On Screen

December 19, 2020

The Greeneville Sun's On Screen provides TV listings, entertainment content and puzzles for the local Greeneville, TN area.

Issue link: https://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/1321252

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32—December 19 - 25, 2020 The Greeneville Sun, Greeneville, TN full page ad a) roberts furniture b) evergreen of johnson city c) heritage community d) greene county kubota New Construction Loans At Heritage Community Bank you can go from construction to permanent fi nancing with one simple loan – refi nancing is not required when the project is complete. "We're Committed to Making Your Dreams Come True!!!" 636-5000 www.hcbonline.us 114 W. Church St. 3626 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy. 1435 70 Bypass NMLS #402504 Let's Build Your Dream! Our skilled lending specialists understand the ins and outs of construction lending — we're here to help through every phase of your project.

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