Special Sections

Young at Heart October 2020 edition

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Safe at Home Call today to schedule a free in-home or virtual consultation to discover how we can help. We adhere to safe Covid-19 practices during consultation, design meetings and construction. At Talmadge Construction, we are uniquely qualified to help you make your home more comfortable, safe, and beautiful. With 36 years' experience remodeling in Santa Cruz County, our Team can design and complete your remodel to fit your needs and taste, with your budget in mind. 831-689-9133 or www.talmadgeconstruction.com Lic. 458607 For more details call 831-469-4900 or contact Steven@LifespanCare.com Are you a senior feeling isolated and lonely or know one who is? Would you like to find ways to improve your quality of life? Learn about Lifespan's Well Being program and how its activities can help you feel supported, stay engaged, and reclaim joy during these most challenging times. Wednesday, November 18, 2020 10:30AM – 12:00PM SAVE THE DATE Lifespan's Free Well-Being Webinar HCO# 444700020 Eat healthy at 50 and beyond A balanced diet is an integral element of a healthy lifestyle for men, women and children alike. But while kids and young adults might be able to get away with an extra cheeseburger here or there, men and women ap- proaching 50 have less leeway. According to the National Institute on Aging, simply count- ing calories without regard for the foods being consumed is not enough for men and women 50 and older to main- tain their long-term health. Rather, the NIA emphasizes the importance of choos- ing low-calorie foods that have a lot of the nutrients the body needs. But counting calories can be an effective and simple way to maintain a healthy weight, provided those calories are coming from nutri- ent-rich foods. The NIA advises men and women over 50 ad- here to the following daily calorie intake recommendations as they attempt to stay healthy into their golden years. Women · Not physically ac- tive: 1,600 calories · Somewhat active: 1,800 calories · Active lifestyle: between 2,000 and 2,200 calories Men · Not physically ac- tive: 2,000 calories · Somewhat active: between 2,200 and 2,400 calories · Active lifestyle: between 2,400 and 2,800 calories When choosing foods to eat, the NIA recommends eating many different colors and types of veg- etables and fruits. Phytochemicals are substances that occur naturally in plants, and there are thousands of these substances offering various benefits. The Produce for Better Health Foundation notes that a varied, colorful diet incorpo- rates lots of differ- ent types of phy- tochemicals, which the PBH says have disease-preventing properties. The NIA also ad- vises that men and women over 50 make sure at least half the grains in their diets are whole grains. Numerous studies have discovered the various benefits of whole grains, which are loaded with protein, fiber, antiox- idants and other nu- trients. Whole grains have been shown to reduce the risk for diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart dis- ease and some types of cancer. Another poten- tial hurdle men and women over 50 may encounter is a change in their sense of smell and taste. A person's sense of smell may fade with age, and because smell and taste are so closely related, foods enjoyed for years may no longer tantalize the taste buds. That can be problematic, as many people instinctual- ly add more salt to foods they find bland. According to the U.S. Office of Disease Pre- vention and Health Promotion, older adults should con- sume no more than 1,500 milligrams of sodium per day. That equates to rough- ly 3/4 teaspoon of salt. Older men and women should resist the temptation to use salt to add flavor to foods, instead opting for healthy foods that they can still smell and taste. In addi- tion, men and women should mention any loss of their sense of smell to their phy- sicians, as such a loss may indicate the presence of Parkin- son's disease or Alz- heimer's disease. Maintaining a healthy diet after 50 may require some hard work and disci- pline. But the long- term benefits of a healthy diet make the extra effort well worth it. Adopting a dog or cat later in life Companion animals bring great joy to their owners. The un- conditional love cats and dogs provide appeals to people of all ages. While many people associate pets with kids who can't wait to welcome the first cat or dog into their homes, pets can benefit aging men and women as well. It's not uncommon for seniors to feel lonely or depressed when they retire, their children move away or they lose a spouse or close friend or friends. The Amer- ican Humane Society states that stud- ies show pets help seniors overcome loneliness and de- pression by providing affection, company and entertainment. Pets also provide much-needed men- tal stimulation, and many pet owners find their pets help them become more physi- cally active as well. Seniors who adopt pets may also feel a sense of purpose when helping animals who may not have anywhere to live. This is particularly true of older compan- ion animals, which many young families are understandably hesitant to adopt. Mature pets might be an ideal fit for se- niors. When seniors are looking to adopt a pet, there are various reasons why older pets or particular animals might be the perfect fit for them. · Adult pets may already be house trained, saving seniors the trouble and effort of training them. · Seniors may find cats fit their lifestyles more than dogs, as cats are less active and do not need to be walked or played with as much as dogs. Cats also are small and easily maneu- verable, meaning even seniors who have arthritis or other physical limitations can easily care for cats. Many cats are also content to spend long periods of time sleeping on their owners' laps. · Small dogs that can be active within the house might be a good idea as well, especially for seniors with mobility issues. They're also easily transported to and from vet appoint- ments. It's important that se- niors carefully weigh the benefits of adopt- ing a pet against any limitations they may have. Having a back- up plan for care is ad- vantageous as well. Seniors should not adopt a pet if they anticipate frequent travel or medical care that requires they be away from home for long periods of time. This section publishes on the last Thursday of each month in the Santa Cruz Sentinel If you are interested in advertising please contact Steve Bennett at 831.429.2416 or email sbennett@santacruzsentinel.com

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