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Young at Heart October 2020 edition

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Older adults can overcome gym intimidation Regular exercise and a nutritious diet are two of the best things seniors can do to maintain their health. Exercise can delay or prevent many of the health problems associated with aging, includ- ing weak bones and feelings of fatigue. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says a person age 65 or older who is generally fit with no limiting health conditions should try to get two hours and 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week, while also including weight training and mus- cle-strengthening activities in their routines on two or more days a week. Individuals of- ten find that gyms have the array of fitness equipment they need to stay healthy. But many people, including older men and women who have not exercised in some time, may Valley Heights has been supporting active seniors for nearly 30 years. 925 FREEDOM BLVD., WATSONVILLE, CA 95076 (831) 722-4884 | VALLEYHEIGHTS.COM VALLEY HEIGHTS SENIOR COMMUNITY FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED SINCE 1992 QUALITY • INTEGRITY • AFFORDABILITY Accepting New Residents We welcome you to join our healthy community! Valley Heights goal is for residents to live in a safe, healthy environment. Since early March we have followed guidance from CMS, CDC, and state/local health departments. In addition, we require proper hand washing, plus sneeze and cough etiquette, to be observed; hand washing and alcohol-based sanitizer stations available throughout the community. Valley Heights values your health and well being. Call Today! October 2020 edition In Santa Cruz County Young at Heart Young at Heart be hesitant to join a gym for fear of intimidation. Some seniors may avoid machines and classes believing they will not use the apparatus prop- erly, or that they will be judged by other gym mem- bers. Some seniors may feel like gyms do not cater to their older clientele, creating an atmo- sphere that is dom- inated by younger members and loud music. Such misconcep- tions are often un- founded, as many gyms welcome older members with open arms. But even if seniors find gyms intimidating, they should still sign up for mem- berships. In such situations, the fol- lowing tips can help seniors shed their fears and adapt to their new gyms. · Start the pro- cess slowly. Shop around for a gym that makes you feel comfortable. Get fully informed about which classes are offered, and the benefits, if any, afforded to older members. · Get a doctor's go- ahead. Make sure to clear exercise and gym membership with your doctor prior to purchasing a membership. He or she also may have a list of gyms where fellow senior patients have memberships. · Build up gradually. Begin with exercises you feel comfortable performing. Spend time walking on the treadmill while observing other gym members. Tour the circuit of machines and other equipment. Find out if you can sample a class to see if it might be a good fit. · Find a gym buddy. Working out with a partner in your age group may encourage you to keep going to the gym and increase your comfort level. You each can offer support and enjoy a good laugh through the learning process. · Don't get discour- aged. Anyone working out for the first time, regardless of age, will feel somewhat out of place until exercise becomes part of a routine. Give it some time before throwing in the towel. Once you catch on, you may discover you en- joy working out. · Choose a se- nior-friendly gym. Some gyms cater to senior members. They may offer "Sil- verSneakers" classes at their facility. Other niche gyms may only accept members of a certain age group. Investigate these gyms if working out with a younger crowd is proving too great a deterrent. Fitness is important for healthy seniors. It can prolong life, help seniors maintain healthy weights and reduce their risk of injury. Age is but a number! Valley Convalescent Hospital resident Nellie Garcia recently celebrated her 106th birthday. Nellie Garcia is an even-tempered person who is always smiling. She is able to continue to make many of her own decisions. Born in Mexico, Nellie came to Watsonville many years ago and worked in a local cannery for 20 years. She also owned a restaurant for 20 years. Prior to Covid-19 restrictions, Nellie's daughter and granddaughter would visit with her 2 tiny Chihuahua's. Her 106th birthday was celebrat- ed with fellow residents at Valley Convalescent Hospital.

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