Today's Entertainment

September 06, 2020

The Brainerd Dispatch - Today's Entertainment Magazine

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Brainerd Dispatch • September 6 - 12, 2020 •20 By Rachel Jones TV Media A s the coronavirus began to turn most of our lives upside down, producers and writers were pushing on to keep the biz alive with pandemic-themed creations, including the comedy film "Coast- al Elites," which premieres Satur- day, Sept. 12, on HBO. "Coastal Elites" showcases some interesting characters led by multiple award-winning actor and vocalist Bette Midler ("The Glo- rias," 2020), alongside A-list ac- tors Sarah Paulson ("Glass," 2019), Kaitlyn Dever ("Booksmart," 2019), Dan Levy ("Schitt's Creek") and Issa Rae ("The Lovebirds," 2020). When 2020 rolled in, a series or film about locked-down family mem- bers and friends set against the backdrop of a global pandemic would have struck viewers as apocalyptic and escapist, but these days it's much closer to real- ity than anything else on televi- sion. Just a few days after health au- thorities declared COVID-19 a pandemic, one of the film's execu- tive producers, Hilary Weisman Graham, proposed the idea of re- motely producing and shooting an anthology series. Her colleagues were intrigued, and the idea even- tually culminated in the produc- tion of "Coastal Elites," which features five unique stories of people living across America dur- ing the raging coronavirus pan- demic. Midler plays Miriam Nessler, a longtime New York City public school teacher who ends up in po- lice custody. Dever's char- acter is Sharynn Tar- rows, a young nurse from Wyo- ming who volunteers at a New York hospital. Meanwhile, Levy plays young actor Mark Hester- man, who undergoes video counseling as his career and per- sonal issues spiral out of con- trol. Paulson is an inspiring YouTube personality named Clarissa Mont- gomery, and Rae plays Callie Jo- sephson, a well-connected philanthropist gunning for a top government position. As shut- downs keep these char- acters isolated, the five in- dividuals respond to their new normal with a roller coaster of emotions, ex- periences and laughs. Not only is the industry fighting to provide origi- nal programming despite crip- pling produc- tion shut- downs, it's also serving up highly relevant content that reflects this un- precedented time in the world, helping view- ers survive their own personal struggles, and maybe even providing new insight into the plight of others. While Midler was happy to accept the project, she's admitted that she can't help thinking about how unusual it is. Filming separately from each other in offices or homes with a bare-bones crew, the experience was isolating, and the seasoned ac- tor has revealed that it had her feel- ing very existential. Midler also described the filming process as emotionally cathartic, as her character's scenes called for impassioned venting about politics — especially rele- vant in such an uncertain election year. Midler identi- fied strongly with the char- acter and felt like the script was written for her. She states that the bizarre working conditions are proof of how tough an impact the pandemic has had on the enter- tainment industry. Similarly, Paulson felt anxious and even paranoid as she would see people roaming around her yard and around her house for months during the shoot- ing process. Both actors admit to having thoughts about what's next for them in a business that was once described as "re- cession-proof." Even during the Great Depression of the 1930s, the film industry con- tinued to thrive, but now, for the first time in Hollywood his- tory, everyone, at some point, was out of work. The industry is not invincible after all. Will any of this strike a chord with viewers? It depends on what they're looking for. "Coastal Elites" is an in-your-face, realistic take on how the world is handling the tensions of the pan- demic. When it comes to visual stimula- tion, "Coastal Elites" may not offer much, but that doesn't mean audi- ences won't be engaged. Mentally and emotionally, the film might be just what the doctor ordered, as it presents the day-to-day situations and challenges that common peo- ple deal with, along with witty, poi- gnant dialogue. Viewers may just see themselves in these characters. Designed for the New York Pub- lic Theater, the script was written by American playwright, novelist, screenwriter and essayist Paul Rud- nick. His plays have been staged on and off-Broadway, and across the globe. After reading the author's ar- ticle in the New York Times, "The Most Fabulous Story Ever Told," American critic Ben Rantley de- scribed Rudnick as the country's funniest stage writer today. Aside from Graham, "Coastal Elites" is also executive-produced by Rudnick, Jeffrey Seller ("Rent," 2005), Flody Suarez ("8 Simple Rules"), Scott Chaloff and Jay Roach, who also directed the mov- ie. While Roach has a slew of box- office hits on his resume — the Austin Powers series, "Mystery, Alaska" (1999) and "Meet the Par- ents" (2000), to name a few — his most recent success was 2019's "Bombshell," which was nominat- ed for three Academy Awards. This is also not his first collaboration with HBO. He directed and pro- duced the cable channel's political drama films "Recount" (2008), "Game Change" (2012) and "All the Way" (2016). So far, he has earned four Primetime Emmy Awards out of six nomina- tions. Getting real HBO's 'Coastal Elites' redefines normal with on-screen quarantine Feature Story this week Dan Levy stars in "Coastal Elites"

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