Diversity Rules Magazine

August 2020

Diversity Rules Magazine - _lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning_

Issue link: https://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/1275113

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Drag Out The Voteā„¢ is a nonpar san, nonprofit or- ganiza on that works with drag performers to pro- mote par cipa on in democracy. They educate and register voters at drag events online and offline, by organizing local and na onal voter ac va ons. Led by fierce drag kings and queens across the na- on, they advocate for increased voter access and engagement in 2020 and beyond. Drag Out the Vote, a na onal nonpar san organiza- on, has launched its Drag Ambassador Program, a first-of-its-kind ini a ve to mobilize drag ar sts across America to increase voter par cipa on in their communi es this November. One in five LGBTQ+ people are not registered to vote, and elec on cycle a er elec on cycle, youth turnout con nues to be a challenge. The power of these two groups, specifically, is one that has the poten al to change the future of our country for trans rights, queer workplace protec ons, access to lifesaving HIV/AIDS preven on and treatment and gender-af- firming healthcare, and more. These issues, and so many others, ma er to the audiences of drag per- formers, be them television stars or local nightclub legends. Since the six es, drag has blended art and ac vism. Drag queens ignited the Stonewall uprising in 1969. The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence organized and educated the queer community during the HIV/AIDS crisis of the 80s. On stage and online, drag perform- ers have commanded a en on, spoken their minds, and challenged the world's percep ons of gender. Now they are uni ng to increase voter turnout. The idea for Drag Out The Vote came about when ackie Huba learned 100 million people did not vote in the 2016 elec on. Inspired in part by RuPaul's Drag Race Star Phi Phi O'Hara's "Queens United" fundraiser for Hurricane Maria relief, she founded Drag Out The Vote by aligning with some of the most recognized and respected drag performers and civic engagement organiza ons in the country. Drag ar sts are uniquely posi oned to use their plat- form to rally their communi es to ac on,"she says. "As part of the Drag Ambassador program, Drag Out The Vote will be providing drag ar sts with the tools and training they need to register - voters and make their voices heard." Once trained, Drag Ambassadors are equipped with social media content, video PSA scripts, resources for voter registra on, and more. Drag Out The Vote's na onal co-chairs are Brita Filter ( RuPaul's Drag Race Season 12), Jaremi Carey (Phi Phi O'Hara of RuPaul's Drag Race Season 4 and All- Stars 2), and Mar G. Cummings, a prominent New York City drag performer and ac vist. Co-chairs pro- duce online content, host events, share vo ng infor- ma on, fundraise, and energize audiences on the importance of civic engagement. Na onal partners for the Drag Ambassador Program include Planned Parenthood,LGBTQ Victory Ins tute, and the Lawyers Commi ee for Civil Rights Under Law. Applica ons for the Drag Ambassador program are open now on the Drag Out the Vote website. To learn more, visit h ps://www.dragou hevote2020.org. More Drag Ambassador photos on pages 12 and 18! Diversity Rules Magazine | Aug 2020 | 5 Drag Out the Vote Drag Kings and Queens Across America Join Forces To Get Out the Vote This Fall

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