Diversity Rules Magazine

August 2020

Diversity Rules Magazine - _lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning_

Issue link: https://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/1275113

Contents of this Issue


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Jim Koury is a seeker of personal truth, and desires to empower others to find their own personal truth, whatever it may be. He is also an ac vist who is not afraid to speak his mind, and ruffle some feathers, if necessary. His main objec ve is to get people to think and think for themselves. He espouses Aristo- tle's mantra, "It is the mark of an educated mind to entertain a thought without accep ng it." Jim does not force his views on others but just puts them out there for folks to think about and discard if they wish. Jim has self-published his first literary work en tled, "Unredacted," and can be purchased on Amazon, Barnres and Noble, and Ebay. Welcome to the August issue of Diversity Rules Mag- azine. It is amazing that we are very near the last quarter of 2020. But, really, are we going to miss this year at all? I know I am not, that is for sure. We have also recently just entered the last 100 day stretch of this year's Presiden al Campaign. It is impera ve that EVERYONE who can vote, does in- deed get out and VOTE, whether by absentee ballot, mail-in ballot or in-person vo ng. The reign of ter- ror wrought upon our na on by the despicable man named Trump must come to an end! We must be more commi ed than ever to achieve that more perfect union our founding fathers envi- sioned. We must remain dedicated to the founding principles they set forth for us to follow. We must never lose hope that we will a ain that more perfect union. Stay in the streets. Keep protes ng. Remain vigilant and never lose focus on the goal of fairness, jus ce and equality for all. We are in a precarious me. This elec on is one of the most consequen- al elec ons we have ever faced. Exercise your right to vote. It is our civic duty to do so. We must take our country back and get it on the right track once again. VOTE PEOPLE. JUST FUCKING VOTE. There is no excuse not to, especially in light of the dangerous precipice the current occupant has brought us to the edge of. This month's issue features two innova ve and cre- a ve campaigns to encourage people to vote. "Flex Your Vote" was the brain child of Mike Ruiz. He has brought together eight of America's leading fitness photographers to join forces on "Flex Your Vote," a new campaign that aims to encourage the LGBTQ community and its allies to the polls this November. The main focus of the campaign is on the 1 in 5 LG- BTQ persons who are not registered to vote. With thousands of shares and reposts, they are hoping to mo vate the 20% of the LGBTQ community that isn't registered to vote to do so. "Drag Out the Voteā„¢" is a nonpar san, nonprofit or- ganiza on that works with drag performers to pro- mote par cipa on in democracy. They educate and register voters at drag events online and offline, by organizing local and na onal voter ac va ons. Led by fierce drag kings and queens across the na on, they advocate for increased voter access and engagement in 2020 and beyond. As is the case with the "Flex Your Vote" campain, "Drag Out the Vote" seeks to engage the one in five LGBTQ people who are not registered to vote, and elec on cycle a er elec on cycle, youth turnout con nues to be a challenge. The power of these two groups, specifically, is one that has the poten al to change the future of our country for trans rights, queer workplace protec ons, access to lifesaving HIV/AIDS preven on and treatment and gender-af- firming healthcare, and more. If you are not registered to vote, I IMPLORE YOU TO DO SO. Our na on, and its escape from the fascist pig called Trump, is coun ng on you. Your vote counts. Every vote counts. Do not waver or hesitate in reg- istering to vote. We can change the direc on of our na on if you all just VOTE! My Two Cents A Message From The Editor James R. Koury, Editor/Publisher Diversity Rules Magazine | Aug 2020 | 3

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