On Screen

July 18, 2020

The Greeneville Sun's On Screen provides TV listings, entertainment content and puzzles for the local Greeneville, TN area.

Issue link: https://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/1270928

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2 x 2" ad 26a A Cut Above 26b Direct Primary Care 2 x 6.5" ad a) fi rst baptist church b) tommy's plumbing July 18 - 24, 2020 Mark Duplass stars in the final-season premiere of "Room 104" Friday on HBO. Room 104 6 x 3" ad a) Community Pharmacy b) Backman- Bearnard Auto c) McIntosh Lee d) Backman- Bearnard Auto ON SCREEN July 18 - 24, 2020 The Greeneville Sun The Greeneville Sun (423) 638-4182 GreenevilleSun.com 1007 W. MAIN STREET • GREENEVILLE, TN 37743 • (423)638-5878 Keith A. Reaves - Owner/Broker/Auctioneer 501 Little Indian Creek Rd, Greeneville, TN 37743 Property has 26.88 +/- acres with many improvements. Newly installed Electric and Well. Property also has Pond, Shed (16x26), and Barn (20x40). Property is located next to TVA property. Property has beautiful Views, Crop Rotation, two gravitational watering stations for livestock. FOR SALE 3 Sunday Services 8:00AM—9:30AM—11:00AM We Are OPEN THOSE AT HIGH RISK ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND THE 8:00am SERVICE. RADIO 10:15AM—WSMG 1450AM / 95.5FM 12:15PM—WGRV 1340AM / 99.5FM ONLINE www.fbcgreeneville.com CHURCH OFFICE 639-3194, MONDAY-FRIDAY, 8AM-5PM on the sundays

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