Diversity Rules Magazine - _lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning_
Issue link: https://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/1228734
2 Diversity Rules Magazine April 2020 Inside is Issue (partial listing) Pride Journeys .......................................................... Page 3 COVID-19 ............................................................. Page 4 Beauty Industry ........................................................Page 7 Empowering Inspiration ..........................................Page 8 Amazon Trail ........................................................... Page 11 Avoiding Negativity ................................................. Page 13 Horse With A Horn ................................................ Page 20 Resources and Diversions ........................................ Page 22 Welcome to the April issue of Di- versity Rules Magazine. Spring has arrived, but unfortunately, it is not that happy contented season we are all accustomed to, due to the invisible intruder that is threatening our spring serenity. The Corona Virus has upended our consciousness, and has tem- porarily changed our world. We can only hope this scourge leaves us soon, and a vaccine, as well as an effec ve treatment emerge as soon as possible. This month's issue's feature ad- dresses the virus, and more spe- cifically, how it is impac ng the LGBTQ+ community. While pe- rusing the internet, I found an interes ng ar cle, an open le er as the authors call it, released by the Na onal LGBT Cancer Net- work and the Gay and Lesbian Medical Associa on (GLMA), signed by over 100 organiza ons about the added risk of COVID- 19 on LGBTQ ci zens. The main premise of the le er was to high- light the fact that LGBTQ+ ci zens could be more par cularly vul- nerable to the nega ve impacts of the virus, namely for three reasons, as highligted in the fea- ture ar cle on page 4. We must learn from our past his- tory rela ng to the outbreak of HIV/AIDS and the ensuing pan- demic that took from us many lives … friends, family, neighbors, and millions of others we did not know. The main lesson we have to keep in mind, and as stated in the le er, is that we "do not al- low any popula on to be dispro- por onately impacted or further s gma zed by a virus." It is important that we learn from our history, and embrace those lessons in dealing with the out- break of the Coronavirus. We shall defeat this invisible intrud- er. Message - Con't on page 12 Diversity Rules Magazine PO Box 72 Oneonta, NY 13820 James R. Koury Editor/Publisher 607.435.1587 Website www.diversityrulesmagazine.com Blog diversityrulesmagazine.com/blog E-Mail diversityrulesmagazine@gmail.com Copyright 2020 Diversity Rules Magazine All Rights Reserved Disclaimers If you have a ques on or comment regard- ing this issue or future issues of Diversity Rules Magazine, the publisher would love to hear from you! Feel free to contact Di- versity Rules using the e-mail above or mailing address listed above. Content submission are always welcome too! All submissions become the property of Diversity Rules Magazine. However, origi- na ng authors reserve all rights to their crea ve works. Diversity Rules Magazine's physical offices are located at 189 River Street, Oneonta, NY 13820. Diversity Rules Magazine will not know- ingly publish or adver se text which is fraudulent or misleading. The publisher reserves the right to edit, limit, revise, or reject any text without cause. Diversity Rules Magazine does not assume any fnancial responsibility for typographi- cal errors. If any errors are found, please no fy Diversity Rules Magazine immedi- ately. Materials in this publica on may not be reproduced in any form without writ- ten permission from the publisher. Jim Koury Editor/Publisher Diversity Rules Magazine