The Press-Dispatch

March 25, 2020

The Press-Dispatch

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A-4 Local Wednesday, March 25, 2020 The Press-Dispatch 2XUGRFWRUVVWULYHWRGHOLYHUWKHEHVWFDUHWRRXUSDWLHQWVHYHU\GD\ :HDUHSURXGWRFHOHEUDWHWKHLUGHGLFDWLRQWRLPSURYLQJWKHKHDOWKRI RXUFRPPXQLW\GXULQJ1DWLRQDO'RFWRUV¶'D\ &(/(%5$7,1*285 3+<6,&,$16$7 *22'6$0$5,7$1 1DWLRQDO'RFWRUV¶'D\6DWXUGD\0DUFK )LQGD*RRG6DPDULWDQSK\VLFLDQE\FDOOLQJRU YLHZRXU)LQGD3URYLGHUSDJHDWJVKYLQRUJ &RPSDVVLRQDWHTXDOLW\FDUHIURPRXUIDPLO\WR\RXUV 9LHZDOLVWRIDOORXUSK\VLFLDQVE\VFDQQLQJWKH45 FRGHWRWKHULJKWRUYLVLWLQJZZZJVKYLQRUJGRF REDUCED TEMPERATURE SWINGS ENHANCED PERFORMANCE IMPROVED DEHUMIDIFICATION Variable-speed technology means invariable comfort. The Infinity ® 20 air conditioner combines the energy efficiency of Greenspeed ® intelligence with the convenience and precision of the Infinity System Control. With reduced temperature swings, improved dehumidification and ultra-quiet operation, the Infinity 20 air conditioner will have you more comfortable than ever before. Energy Efficiency That's Right in Your Comfort Zone. ©Carrier Corporation 4/2018. PH: 812-743-2382 HEATING & AIR-CONDITIONING Perry ' s LLC Serving the area since 1950. Perry ' s Perry ' s 303 Breckinridge Rd, Monroe City Email: Craig Perry Vance Perry Chase Perry A view on living in Pike County during the COVID-19 lockdown Photos contributed by local readers. If you would like to submit photos for an up- coming edition, email William and Kal-El Wright work on an art project. Above, left and right: Breanna, Leah, Mallory and Emma Hunt took a hike outdoors to practice social distancing this week. Above: Yogi, Karen DeJarnett's dog, sheltering in place and looking longingly out the window. Left: Tyler Mason and his pet rab- bit got a bit of fresh air. Joseph O'Brien is all stocked up for his first pandemic. Kady, Ashley and Karly Gideon playing 500 rummy to pass the time. To the family's dismay, Ashley always wins. Ebony and Xavier Mason making rainbow slime during their break from school. Brody Smith, 6, made a smiley pizza during the coronavirus lockdown. Kalyd Perry, of Winslow, likes building things just like his Dad. His parents, Bobby and Desiree Perry, are working to build a kitchen table, pictured below.

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