The Indiana Publisher

February 2020 IP

Hoosier State Press Association - The Indiana Publisher

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Publisher The Indiana Volume 85, Issue 2 • February 2020 Published on second Thursday monthly The Indiana legislature's 2020 short session began Jan. 6 at the Statehouse. It will end March 11. Hoosier Media Workshop set for April 15 Editor's note: Language that would have curtailed the publication requirement of the annual school performance report was removed from H.B. 1003 during the Feb. 19 Senate Education and Career Develop- ment Committee meeting. Committee chair Sen. Jeff Raatz, R-Richmond, offered a lengthy amendment, mostly concerning the bill's core purpose to give school districts the ability to seek waivers from various state regulations, that also deleted the section referencing the publication requirement of the performance report. The amendment was passed with a 10-3 vote. The dissenters voiced concerns with other aspects of the amendment, not the school performance report publication which all three voiced support of HSPA's position prior to the bill's hearing on Feb. 12. After the amendment was adopted, H.B. 1003 was ap- proved by the committee and will be consigned to the Senate Appropriations Committee due to a fiscal impact the bill would create. Several state senators spoke in favor of the publication of the annual school performance report during H.B. 1003's Feb. 12 hearing before the Senate Education and Career Development Committee Legislative Update Senators speak in favor of public notice See Update, page 2 Schools must publish annual performance reports in local newspapers March 15-31 Public schools and charters are required to publish their annual school performance reports in local newspaper(s) between March 15 and March 31. The annual school perfor- mance reports are an excellent opportunity for your advertising and newsroom to work together to maximize the impact of these important public notice adver- tisements. Newsrooms can do a story or stories about the results of the performance report. Your ad staff can sell non-traditional advertisers spots to sponsor a special education section highlighting the report. You can add photos from the individual school buildings since the reports are broken down by schools to make it an attractive piece that will catch the attention of your readers. If a separate story is written about the school performance report, make sure you do a reference line to direct readers to the actual public notice advertisement. Deadline to apply for HSPA Foundation Legacy Scholarship is March 13 The 2020 Hoosier Media Workshop will take place 9 a.m.- 3 p.m. Wednesday April 15 at Butler University in Indianapolis. The event will include four sessions, lunch and a keynote address by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Eric Eyre. The talk is offered in partnership with the Indiana Humani- ties Council. Eyre received the Pulitzer for, "courageous reporting, performed in the face of powerful opposition, to expose the flood of opioids flowing into depressed West Virginia counties ..." The workshop is offered by the HSPA Foundation and the Indiana Broadcasters Association. Watch your email for details and registration information. Pulitzer Prize winner Eric Eyre to give keynote Children and grandchildren of member newspaper employees and independent contractors are eligible to apply for a $1,000 scholarship. Students studying any subject are welcome to apply. See pages 12-14 for this year's application. 2020 Indiana Journalism Hall of Fame inductees announced. See Page 3

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