Readers' Choice

Readers' Choice 2020

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P R O U D T O B E Y O U R H E A L I N G P L AC E ! Marin may be the healthiest county in California, but sooner or later, even the healthiest folks can — and do — get injured or sick. When that happens, all of us at MarinHealth SM Medical Center are privileged to be here for you. We look forward to taking healthcare to the next level with this summer's opening of the Oak Pavilion, our new, state-of-the-art hospital building. We are committed to delivering exceptional care, so being your "Readers' Choice" means everything to us. Thank you for your recognition, your vote, and your trust. Learn more about our services and programs or find a doctor today! 1-888-996-9644 | "MarinHealth" and the MarinHealth logo are servicemarks of Marin General Hospital and used with permission. Connect with us Caring for you is an honor in itself. We appreciate your vote of confidence. 88 February 23, 2020 Readers' Choice A Marketing Supplement of the Marin Independent Journal |

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