On Screen

November 30, 2019

The Greeneville Sun's On Screen provides TV listings, entertainment content and puzzles for the local Greeneville, TN area.

Issue link: https://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/1188952

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2 x 2" ad A cut above real estate 2 x 6.5" ad a) beltone b) 1st baptist November 30 - December 6, 2019 Elizabeth Perkins and Denis Leary star in the limited-run Fox comedy series "The Moodys," premiering Wednesday. The Moodys 6 x 3" ad a) Community Pharmacy b) Georgia's Southern Table c) McIntosh Lee d) Georgia's Southern Table A man wakes up in the morning after sleeping on an advertised mattress, under an advertised blanket, in advertised pajamas. He will bathe in an advertised shower, wash with an advertised soap, shave with an advertised razor, drink advertised coffee after his advertised juice, and put on advertised clothes and accessories. He will ride to work in an advertised car, sit in an advertised work station, utilize an advertised computer and write with an advertised pen. Yet, this man hesitates to advertise, saying that advertising does not pay. Finally, when his unadvertised business goes under, he will advertise it for sale! A Man Wakes Up... CALL (423) 638-4181 TO ADVERTISE ON SCREEN November 30 - December 6, 2019 The Greeneville Sun The Greeneville Sun (423) 638-4182 GreenevilleSun.com Your Local Pharmacy Atchley Drug Center Questions About Medicare Open Enrollment? West Greene Shopping Center, Asheville Hwy. (423) 639-5155 We're Here To Help! Come in and we'll help you sort through the options and fi nd what's best for you.

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