Negocios Now is the Hispanic Business Publication in Chicago with National Distribution
Issue link: 2 November 2019 EDITORIAL NegociosNow NegociosNow Negocios Now en español Todos los derechos reservados R Clemente Nicado Publisher/Editor Jefe Kelly Yelmene Directora General Alejandra Cano Assistant to the Publisher Norma Zambrano Event coordinartor and Public Relations Ventas 773-942-7410 Ron Reason Consultor de diseño Enpunto Diseño. Diseño Editor in English: David Steinkraus NOTA: Los artículos no pueden ser reproducidos sin la autorización expresa de Nicado Publishing Company, incluyendo los artículos producidos por Hispanic News Agency (HINA), propiedad de la Compañía. Negocios Now en Español es una marca registrada por US Trade - mark. Serial Number: 77575851 VISITA: A national award-winning publication for the Hispanic business community Clemente Nicado Publisher/ Editor Jefe W e knew in advance that it would be a herculean task and one of the biggest challenges for Negocios Now to narrow down the most outstanding Latinos 40 under 40 in New York City. After culling from such an accomplished group we discovered how fantastic our final group really was and we believe our readers will feel the same as they learn about what makes them so extraordinary. We couldn't be more proud to have among our chosen group: A female pilot, Broadway actress, top corporate executives, attorneys, entrepreneurs, engineers and technological visionaries. We have leaders helping their communities by opening the doors to opportunities, educating tomorrow's leaders and continuing the fight against the deadly AIDS/HIV virus. Our chosen group represents and makes up the powerful Latino engine that helps move a city at the nexus of the world's economy. New York is home to Wall Street, serves as an international beacon of artistic and cultural expression and is the arbiter of taste for the billion-dollar fashion industry. After successfully celebrating and putting a spotlight on the next generation of Latino leaders over the last four years in the "Second City" Latinos 40 under 40 in New York found an enthusiastic welcome in the Big Apple. We found that NYC was ready and waiting for the idea behind, Negocios Now, to recognize and illuminate the young people whose creativity, spunk and drive are the pulses of this iconic city. Without the support of the Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement (HACE), Association of Latinos Professionals for America of New York (ALPFA), New York State Coalition of Hispanic Chambers of Commerce and Statewide Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of New Jersey and Univision-New York we would not have been able to celebrate in Copacabana Times Square on November 12th. We offer a very special and heartfelt thank you to Remy Martin, which for the last five years has been the main sponsor of this event that helps to move forward the mission of Negocios Now, which is to recognize and celebrate the successes of the Latino community across the country. S abíamos de antemano que encontrar 40 "Latinos under 40" extraordinarios en Nueva York sería uno de los más grandes desafíos para Negocios Now, pero aquí están, y son fantásticos. No pudiéramos estar más orgulloso de encontrarlos. Hay entre ellos una mujer piloto, una actriz de Broadway, ejecutivas en grandes corporaciones, empresarias, una ingeniera, líderes en tecnología, dueños de negocio, jóvenes ayudando a su comunidad, abriendo las puertas de las oportunidades, educando o combatiendo el virus del SIDA. Ellos son una representación de ese poderoso motor latino que ayuda a mover la llamada Ciudad de Hierro, centro de la economía mundial, con su termometro financiero en Wall Street, su fuerza artística y cultural, imán turístico y un gusto por la moda de fama mundial. Después de celebrar por cuatro años consecutivos en Chicago con resonante éxito, "Latinos 40 under 40" en Nueva York encontró una entusiasta bienvenida en organizaciones que también abrazan la idea de Negocios Now de reconocer a jóvenes que marcan el pulso de esta gran ciudad. No hubiésemos podido estar celebrando en Copacabana Times Square sin el apoyo de Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement (HACE), la Association of Latinos Professionals For America of New York (ALPFA), New York State Coalition of Hispanic Chambers of Commerce, Statewide Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of New Jersey and Univision-New York y Univision -canal 41- de Nueva York. Nuestro agradecimiento muy especial a Remy Martin, como principal sponsor de un evento que significa mucho para Negocios Now en su irrenunciable sueño de reconocer a la comunidad latina de todo el país. Finding the Big Apple's Latinos Under 40 Latinos 40 Under 40 en la 'Gran Manzana'