Special Publications

2019 Women In Business

Red Bluff Daily News Special Publications

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6 - Wednesday, October 23, 2019 - Women In Business - Red Bluff Daily News The days of spending an entire career with one company are a thing of the past. According to data published in The Balance: Careers, the average pro- fessional switches jobs 10 to 15 times in his or her life- time, while the Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that the average employee tenure in 2016 was 4.2 years. Understanding which fields have a high rate of growth can ensure men and women make smart choices when switching jobs. The following are the top-rated careers, based on data from the BLS, U.S. News & World Report and Glassdoor. • Mathematician: Math- ematicians earn an aver- age salary of $106,000 per year. Mathematicians use statistical theories to help companies in various industries make informed decisions. • Marketing manager: Marketing managers guide how a particular company or industry presents itself. They also analyze how campaigns and efforts have succeeded or failed to improve market share. A marketing manager earns an average of $85,000. • Actuary: These individ- uals employ mathematics and economics to help cor- porations predict and man- age risk in their organiza- tions. The field is expected to increase by 22.5 percent by 2026. Actuaries earn a median salary of $101,000. • DevOps Engineer: Thanks to the ubiquity of digital technology, profes- sionals who can work with software developers and system operators to over- see code and IT infrastruc- ture are in high demand. These workers command, on average, $105,000, and as computer-based industries only continue to expand, so do the career opportunities. • Optometrists: Seeing clearly and maintaining proper visual health is im- portant. Optometrists can earn $106,000 a year. • Nurse anesthetist: Several different careers in the medical field are boom- ing, and nurse anesthetist is one of them. These med- ical professionals adminis- ter anesthesia to patients undergoing surgery and monitor vital signs to main- tain patient safety. An aver- age salary of $160,000 can entice registered nurses to go through the extra schooling to become anes- thetists. • UX designer: A UX de- signer is a graphic designer, interior designer or archi- tect who helps improve the usability, accessibility and enjoyability of tangible and digital products based on user experiences. Salaries vary depending upon the specific niche, but can av- erage $90,000 annually. • Physical therapist: These health care workers earn an average of $85,000 and help people decrease physical pain and improve mobility through rehabilita- tive exercises. When considering changing careers, people may want to consider var- ious professions that are currently booming. Explore these in-demand profession BEST OF 2019 Tehama County Lic#987325 • Workers Comp Insured & Bonded Eric Jablonowski • 530-416-0425 norcaltreeexpert@yahoo.com Alethia Jablonowski • 530-828-9210 alethia.norcaltreeexpert@gmail.com

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