Diversity Rules Magazine

October 2019

Diversity Rules Magazine - _lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning_

Issue link: https://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/1173076

Contents of this Issue


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2 Diversity Rules Magazine October 2019 Inside is Issue (partial listing) Pride Journeys: Grand Rapids/Saugatuck, MI ........ Page 3 Express Yourselves ................................................... Page 4 Frugayity Launches .................................................. Page 6 Japanese Borscht ....................................................... Page 8 Jack Tracy - For You - Part I Releases ...................... Page 10 Amazon Trail ........................................................... Page 11 Latin XOXO ............................................................ Page 14 Resources and Diversions ........................................ Page 22 Welcome to the October issue of Diversity Rules Magazine. We are in the last quarter of the year, and it will be the dawn of a new year before we know it! This month, Diveristy Rules Mag- azine is honored to have Michael Musto as its feature interview. Michael Musto is an American journalist who has maintained a prevalent presence in entertain- ment-related publica ons, as well as on websites and television shows. Musto is a former colum- nist for The Village Voice, where he wrote the La Dolce Musto column of gossip, nightlife, re- views, interviews, and poli cal observa ons. He is the author of the books Downtown and Man- ha an on the Rocks, as well as a compila on of selected columns published as La Dolce Musto. His subsequent collec on, Fork on the Le , Knife in the Back, was published in 2011. Musto is starring in Eric Rivas' re- make of his cult-classic film, "Jap- anese Borscht," which premieres in New York City at Anthology Film Archives (32 2nd Ave) on October 5 at 8 pm. Musto plays a gay Mafioso named Uncle. Ac- cording to Musto, "He's barbaric — he's a mobster — and his sex- uality proves that some very rot- ten people can be gay." For more informa on about "Jap- anese Borscht," head to page 8. This month's issue also features our regular columnists, with Joey Amato taking us to Grand Rap- ids/Saugatuck, Michigan. As al- ways, it is an informa ve ar cle on one of our na on's unlikely travel des na ons. Lee Lynch in her new issue of The Amazon Trail, talks about Global "Warn- ing." Ha. The issue also has oth- er great artcles as well. With that said, Embrace the day. Move forward. Don't look back Life is too short to wallow in in- decision and fear. You have a life to live. So just do it!! Diversity Rules Magazine PO Box 72 Oneonta, NY 13820 James R. Koury Editor/Publisher 607.435.1587 Website www.diversityrulesmagazine.com Blog diversityrulesmagazine.com/blog E-Mail diversityrulesmagazine@gmail.com Copyright 2019 Diversity Rules Magazine All Rights Reserved Disclaimers If you have a ques on or comment regard- ing this issue or future issues of Diversity Rules Magazine, the publisher would love to hear from you! Feel free to contact Di- versity Rules using the e-mail above or mailing address listed above. Content submission are always welcome too! All submissions become the property of Diversity Rules Magazine. However, origi- na ng authors reserve all rights to their crea ve works. Diversity Rules Magazine's physical offices are located at 189 River Street, Oneonta, NY 13820. Diversity Rules Magazine will not know- ingly publish or adver se text which is fraudulent or misleading. The publisher reserves the right to edit, limit, revise, or reject any text without cause. Diversity Rules Magazine does not assume any fnancial responsibility for typographi- cal errors. If any errors are found, please no fy Diversity Rules Magazine immedi- ately. Materials in this publica on may not be reproduced in any form without writ- ten permission from the publisher. Jim Koury Editor/Publisher Diversity Rules Magazine

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