Diversity Rules Magazine

October 2019

Diversity Rules Magazine - _lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning_

Issue link: https://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/1173076

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Page 22 of 23

23 Diversity Rules Magazine October 2019 LGBTQ COMMUNITY CTR. 300 Wall St. Kingston. Phone: 1-845-331-5300; Email: www.lgbtqcenter.org LGBT COMMUNITY CTR. 208 W. 13th St., NY, NY 10011 Phone: 1-212-620-7310; Email: www.gaycenter. org THE LOFT. 252 Bryant Avenue, White Plains. hone:1- 914-948-2932; Email: www.logaycenter.org ONEONTA OPEN MINDED UNITY. www.oneontao- mu@hotmail.com PFLAG. Support group for parents, families & friends of LGBTQ people. info@pflag.org or www.pflag.org Otsego Co.: 1-607-432-1251 Cooperstown: 1-607-547-4118 Binghamton 1-607-748-3984 Ithaca: 1-607-273-4796 Schenectady: 1-518-273-4796 Syracuse: 1-315-635-9320 PRIDE ORGANIZATIONS: BINGHAMTON PRIDE COALITION. Phone: 1-866- 682-4083; Email: www.binghamtonpride.org CAPITAL PRIDE CENTER. Based in Albany, the Cen- ter is dedicated to serving the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community in the Capital Region. As the oldest continuously-operating LGBT community center in the country, the Pride Center has worked to build a welcoming and empowering community for all people. www.capitalpridecenter.org. 1-518-462-6138 EMPIRE STATE PRIDE AGENDA. Albany Phone: 1-518- 472- 3330; www.prideagenda.org OTSEGO PRIDE ALLIANCE. Phone 607-386-1508 www.otsegopridealliance.org PRIDE ALONG THE MOHAWK: Educational and ad- vocacy group in Utica, New York. www.pridealongth- emohawk.com. RAINBOW PRIDE UNION. http://sa.binghamton.edu or rpu@sa.binghamton.edu SAGE/UPSTATE. For LGBT seniors in Central NY. Health resources, social programs & education on is- sues impacting LGBT seniors. Syracuse: 1-315-478-1923; www.sageupstate.org STAP, INC. Primary provider of HIV/AIDS services in region. Binghamton: 1-800-333-0892 Ithaca: 1-607-272- 4098 Oneonta: 1-607-432-6654; www.stapinc.org COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES: CITY COLLEGE of NEW YORK: Straight & Gay Alli- ance. Email: SAGA@CCNY.CUNY.edu CORNELL LGBT Resource Ctr. Phone: 1-607-254-4987; Email: www.lgbtrc.cornell.edu CORTLAND LGBT RESOURCE CTR. Creating a visible empowered community focusing on LGBTQ youth, fam- ilies, & adults and supporters. Contact the coordinator at Phone: 607-756-8970; Email: www.cortlandlgbt.org HARTWICK BI-GALA+. www.users.hartwick.edu/bi- gala ITHACA COLLEGE LGBT RESOURCE CTR. Phone: 1-607-274-7394; Email: www.ithaca.edu/sacl/lgbt NAZARETH COLLEGE. lambda@mail.naz.edu SUCO GENDER SEXUALITY RESOURCE CTR. Hunt Union Bldg. SUNY Oneonta 1-607-436-2190 SYRACUSE U. LBGT RESOURCE CTR. www.lgbt.syr. edu Phone: 1-315-443-3983 UNIVERSITY of ALBANY. LGBTQ support group. Email: HWright@uamail.albany.edu UNIVERSITY of ROCHESTER. Pride Alliance.Phone:1- 585-276-3259 ext.4; Email:pridealliance@rochester.edu QUEER AFFIRMING SPIRITUAL ORGANIZATIONS UNITARIAN UNIVERSILAST SOCIETY OF ONEON- TA: 12 Ford Avenue. Phone: 432.3491. E-mail: uuso@ uuso.org. TRANSGENDER HEALTH SERVICES PROVIDERS Carolyn Wolf-Gould, MD: Comprehensive primary care, transgender hormone therapy. "Dr. Wolf-Gould's practice is closed, but she is accepting new transgender patients. New patients should submit request for TG care to her office in writing in order to obtain appointment. Carolyn Wolf-Gould, MD, Susquehanna Family Practice, Oneon- ta, NY 13820. 607- 431-5757. INCARCERATED LGBT SERVICES NEW YORK STATE PRISONER ASSISTANCE CEN- TER: Provides support services to incarcerated LGBT in- dividuals. 393 1st Street, Troy, NY 12180, 518-238-3439, www.nyspac.com

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