Diversity Rules Magazine

October 2019

Diversity Rules Magazine - _lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning_

Issue link: https://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/1173076

Contents of this Issue


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3 Diversity Rules Magazine October 2019 Joey Amato is the publisher of Pride Journeys, the premier source for LGBT travel. Joey publishes des na on reviews in addi on to lifestyle content that is both insigh ul and engaging to LGBT readers. Joey has spent the majority of his career dedicated to the LGBT community, having contrib- uted to numerous publica ons around North America. In ad- di on, he owns Agency33 Public Rela ons, a full-service firm spe- cializing in LGBT outreach. For the past few years, I've heard about a small town in Michigan known for its LGBTQ friendliness and charm, but it wasn't un l re- cently that I had the opportunity to visit Saugatuck and its neighbor- ing town, Douglas. If you don't live within driving distance, you'll prob- ably have to fly into Grand Rapids, another Midwestern city worth exploring. The journey will be well worth it. By far the coolest hotel in Grand Rapids is the JW Marrio . I some mes prefer staying at bou que hotels, but once you get a peek at this property, you'll quickly discover why it has become a favorite among LGBTQ visitors. The curvature of the iconic glass structure not only reflects the blue sky above but also the river below, which makes for a stun- ning visual and Instagram-friendly pho- tos. History lovers will enjoy the Gerald R. Ford Presiden al Museum located within walking distance from the hotel. Although Ford's me in office wasn't as exci ng as some other Presidents, the museum is beau fully designed and worth a quick visit. If Presiden al history doesn't spark your interest, head over to Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park, a 200-acre indoor/outdoor garden which incorpo- rates dozens of unique sculptural master- pieces into its landscape. Some standout sculptures include "The American Horse" by Nina Akamu and "I, you, she or he" by Jaume Plensa, a composi on of three figures whose shells are made of stainless- steel le ers and le unfinished to encour- age the universality of the forms. Another sculptural highlight is by gay ar st Keith Haring tled "Julia" named a er Julia Gruen, a friend of the ar st. A er touring the gar- dens, grab dinner at Reserve Wine & Food, an elegant, yet modern two-story restaurant with an expansive wine menu and Pride Journeys - Con't on page 7 Pride Journeys Grand Rapids/Saugatuck, MI By Joey Amato

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