Rutherford Weekly

August 22, 2019

Rutherford Weekly - Shelby NC

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Thursday, August 22-August 28, 2019 828-248-1408 Rutherford Weekly - Page 23 FOR RENT RUTHERFORD CO., NC WEEKLY SPECIAL $210+ TAX AND UP. Town and Country Inn, Spindale. Newly remodeled. WiFi, Micro-fridge, fl atscreen, ESPN/Showtime. Nightly $49.99 and up. 828-286-3681. FOR RENT OR LEASE. Start your own business. Endless possibilities: Oil Change Center, etc. Very up to date, busy loca- tion. Located Hwy 221, Ruther- fordton. 828-447-9622. 3BR, 2BA, QUIET PARK. Land- lord on site, fi replace, no pets. Background check. Call 828- 429-9831 after 10am. 2BR DUPLEX, BEST VALUE. Energy effi cient, SS appliance, washer/dryer, like new, $550. 2BR, Oakland Road, includes water, sewer, garbage, applianc- es, $450. 1BR, like new, SS ap- pliance, includes water, sewer, garbage, $435 plus references and deposit. 828-248-1776. 2 & 3 BEDROOM Mobile Homes. Small private park be- tween Spindale and Forest City. Starting at $450 a month. 828- 382-0475. FOR RENT GASTON CO., NC 5BR, 1 BATH. Rent $950, De- posit $500, Application fee $25. 1020 E. Main St., Cherryville. 704-472-3100, 704-472-4666. NICE 2BR HOME. In Bessemer City. Quite neighborhood, large fenced in yard. No pets. 704- 473-5240 FOR RENT CLEVELAND CO., NC BATTLE FOREST APART- MENTS in Kings Mountain is accepting applications for 1&2 BR units. Accessible units designed for persons with disabilities subject availabil- ity, Rental Assistance subject to availability, Rent based on income, Section 8 vouchers ac- cepted. $25 appl. fee, credit/ criminal check requested. Visit us at 210 Cleveland Avenue on M-F, 1-3PM or by appt. Call 704- 739-8302 for info. Equal Hous- ing Opportunity. This institution is professionally managed by Partnership Property Manage- ment, an equal opportunity pro- vider and employer. 2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH. With carport on private lot, big yard, county water. No inside pets. Located in Shelby. $700 month, $700 deposit. (704) 472-7187 2 OR 3 BEDROOM MOBILE HOMES. In Grover or Shelby. $550-$595. Call 828-234-8147 or (828) 428-2897 FOR RENT CLEVELAND CO., NC NICE COUNTRY LIVING. 2 or 3 bedroom mobile homes for rent. 10 minutes from Shelby. NO PETS. Seniors welcome. (704) 692-0447 MOVE IN SPECIAL. 2&3 Bed- room, $900 deposit required. $190 weekly rates. Includes power and water. NO PETS. Vis- it us online at Oakwood Rentals, Shelby or call (704) 473-4299 AREA RENTALS. (Shelby) 770 Ware Rd, $1250. 704-692-3670 MOBILE HOMES & APART- MENTS. In Kings Mountain. Price starting at $100 per week. Call (704) 739-4417 FOR RENT CLEVELAND CO., NC 2&3 BEDROOM TOWN- HOMES. Applications are be- ing processed right now! Rent is based on income (& even some expenses). Call or visit today Laurel Hill Apartments. Equal housing opportunity. Shelby, NC 28152 (704) 487-1114 laurelhill@ LIONS SENIOR VILLAGE has 1 bedroom HUD subsidized apartments for low income se- niors. Taking applications. Age 62 or older. Equal Housing Op- portunity. 211 North Morgan St., Shelby, NC 28150 704-482-7723 FOR RENT CLEVELAND CO., NC HICKORY CREEK APART- MENTS FOR SENIORS. (62 and older), disabled (50 and older). Shelby. Now taking applications for waiting list. EHO. 418 East Warren Street Shelby, NC 28150 (704) 487- 6354 1 BEDROOM, 1 BATH, APART- MENT C. 1321 S. Lafayette St., Shelby. Rent $375, Deposit $200, Application Fee $25. 704- 472-3100, 704-472-4666. (704) 472-4666 CLASSIFIED ADS WORK! FOR RENT CLEVELAND CO., NC SMALL QUIET PARK. Crest Schools. 3 bedroom, 2 bath mobile home, $135 weekly. No pets. Must pass background check. Call (828) 390-7316 FOR RENT CLEVELAND CO., NC 2&3 BEDROOM MOBILE HOMES. Nice and clean, water furnished. Oak Grove Commu- nity, Kings Mtn. Call or text (704) 739-0259 PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limita- tions or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, fam- ily status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination." Familial status includes children under the age of 13 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertis- ing for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. ACADEMY HEIGHTS ACADEMY HEIGHTS APARTMENTS APARTMENTS in Rutherfordton in Rutherfordton IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY for our 1BR units. for our 1BR units. This institution is professionally managed by Partnership Property This institution is professionally managed by Partnership Property Management, an equal opportunity provider and employer. Management, an equal opportunity provider and employer. Designed for the elderly (62 or older) or persons Designed for the elderly (62 or older) or persons with disabilities. Unique community with 8 with disabilities. Unique community with 8 bedroom/bath units, shared living room, kitchen bedroom/bath units, shared living room, kitchen and laundry room. Accessible units designed for and laundry room. Accessible units designed for persons with disabilities, subject to availability. persons with disabilities, subject to availability. Visit us at 210 Clubhouse Dr. or call Visit us at 210 Clubhouse Dr. or call 828-286-3599 for more information. 828-286-3599 for more information. $25 application fee, credit/criminal check required. $25 application fee, credit/criminal check required. Rental Assistance Available. Rental Assistance Available. Equal Housing Equal Housing Opportunity Opportunity ©Community First Media Community First Media #707 Bridges Farm Rd., Forest City. 3BR, 2 bath on .52 acres for $124,900. mls# 47109. First Realty, Inc. 828-286-2121 #147 Greer St., Spindale. 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath on .88 acres $160,000. mls#46945 #169/171 Hearthstone 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath- main home. 3 bedroom, 2 bath guest house on 2.08 acres for $375,000. mls#46571. ROSS ROSS WINDOWS WINDOWS THE BEST FOR LESS! CALL FOR ESTIMATE 828-437-4848 • DOUBLE PANE • FULLY WELDED • FREE LOW E GLASS ARGON GAS LIFETIME WARRANTY ©Community First Media Community First Media "up to 101 u.i." ANY SIZE WHITE DOUBLE HUNG $ 189. 00 Installed Rutherford Weekly Sudoku Answers Answers to Word Search If a typical school morning sees your family rushing around and out the door with nary a moment to spare, only to be left feeling like you ran a marathon by 9 am, a new approach to your routine might be necessary. Mornings, especially in households in which parents who work outside of the home and have one or two kids requiring drop-off at their respective schools, can often be hectic. Starting off the morning feeling harried and stressed can carry over into the mood of the day, affecting productivity as a result. According to Dr. David Anderson, PhD, senior director of the ADHD and Disruptive Behavior Disorders Center at the Child Mind Institute, busy mornings can be the most stressful moments of the day. Homework hour and getting prepared for bed are other typically stressful times of the day for families. If less stressful mornings are a goal for your family, try these strategies. Start the night before Doing as much preparatory work the evening before can make quite a difference in taming hectic mornings. Things that can be done in advance include checking and stocking backpacks, signing paperwork, making lunches, setting out clothing, showering, and having breakfast foods ready to go. Establish a 'launch pad' Ann Dolin, a Virginia-based education specialist, suggests having a launch pad, or a place where all school-related items are prepped and stored. It can be a basket, box or another container big enough to contain school items. Children can drop and pick up the items as needed. Make the routine the boss Positive Parenting Solutions founder Amy McCready says families can implement a "when-then" routine that sets the tone for the morning. "When everyone is dressed, hair combed, breakfast eaten, and school supplies packed, then you can watch 10 minutes of an educational cartoon." This puts the routine in control rather than making the parents the bad guys. Make kids responsible Too often parents add more stress to their plates by showing up at school with forgotten lunch boxes or band instruments. Instead, parents can stop rescuing their children and help train them to be more responsible — an essential trait. Chart wake-up times It may seem like micromanaging, but scheduling wake-up and bathroom times can help everyone know where they should be and when they should be there. It also helps avoid bottleneck situations in the bathroom or kitchen. Keep morning madness to a minimum with some simple strategies. Manage hectic school mornings 369 Butler Rd., Forest City 828.248.1408 @Ruther fordwkly @Ruther fordwkly Follow On @Ruther fordwkly Follow On On Not just a bunch of BOLONEY! Advertising that works. LOCAL LOCAL LOCAL BUY

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