Rutherford Weekly

August 22, 2019

Rutherford Weekly - Shelby NC

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SMALL TOWN FRIENDLY, BIG TIME RESULTS ISSUE NO. 34 AUGUST 22, 2019 828-248-1408 OUR 27 TH YEAR ©Community First Media Community First Media WE'VE WE'VE MOVED! MOVED! COME VISIT OUR NEW, COME VISIT OUR NEW, BIGGER LOCATION! BIGGER LOCATION! 445 WEST MAIN STREET, 445 WEST MAIN STREET, SPINDALE, NC 28160 SPINDALE, NC 28160 Mon-Fri 8am-5pm Sat 8am-noon Across from McDonald's Old Spindale Tire building 828-395-2400 There are many jewels in the crown of Rutherford County. One bright and shining star is The Robert And Janice McNair Educational Foundation, offering darn near incredible opportunities to students at Chase, East, and RS Central. Monica Paris Lee has been at the helm of this farfl ung opportunity outlet for ten years; and she says, "There is almost no downside to this job." After ten years in administering group homes for developmentally delayed adults and six years as a classroom teacher, the McNair job came open. Then assistant superintendent Dr. Janet Mason called her and urged her to apply. "She just kept talking to keep me from saying no to the job," Lee remembers with a laugh. "She fi nally convinced me to just apply." It is among the most unusual jobs imaginable. From her East High offi ce, she is able to have encouraging contact with students, but also to direct the program at all three high schools and beyond. The heart of the work is recruiting, training, and encouraging mentors who begin working with students in the seventh grade and take them through their senior year in high school. A separate team of 25 mentors is working this year for the fi rst time with college students who need the extra juice. 133 college freshmen are in the program. The Rope Recipients, graduating seniors from the three large high schools in the county, do very well at staying in college and graduating. "Well above the national average," Lee said. But there is another group of college students who have a tougher time on four- year campuses. That group was told about the new college mentoring program and they signed up. Among the 25 mentors, especially among Chase and East graduates, is a group of former Rope Recipients. "They are very grateful for what the McNairs did for them, and want a chance to pay back," Lee said. Robert McNair, who died November 23 last year and his wife, Janice, had a vision 30 years ago of challenging Rutherford County high school students to go to college and giving them tools to help with that. Since then, hundreds of high school graduates have benefi tted from the McNair scholarships and McNair mentoring. The fi nancial benefi ts have run into tens of millions of dollars. Lee credits that vision with why she loves her job. One particularly inspiring story regards Shakira Jackson, a young man set to graduate college this December. "Mr. McNair provided the peanut butter, the bread and the knife. All I had to do was make the sandwich," Jackson said of the foundation's help with his academic career. "He fi nished his freshman year in high school with a .7 grade point average. He started getting serious about school and by his senior year had raised it to a 2.35. He applied to college and got in. He asked us for more help; and we helped him register for his classes. Now he is set to graduate," Lee said. Just a few days ago he organized a school supply event on Hardin Road (see photo.) He collected school supplies and backpacks and gave them away to elementary students he hopes will follow in his footsteps. Jackson's story is a tip on the iceberg of McNair impact on the lives of kids in the county. If reading here inspires thoughts of fi reworks, the foundation recently celebrated its 30th anniversary with fi reworks in the Owls' baseball park on McNair Drive. Today the foundation publishes a brochure listing 25 different programs designed to inspire excellence in academic achievement. From mentors who offer advice, presence, and encouragement to students like Jackson, to specifi c fairs and visits to college campuses that show students the whats and hows of college life and their potential to be part of that life. There is a specifi c program for eighth graders that sheds light on the power of money to touch their lives and make for more opportunities. Called, "The Reality Of Money," the program uses a fi nancial simulation from The State Employees Credit Union to make eighth graders aware of the realities of how money works as they become wage earning, bill paying young adults. Another program for seventh and eighth graders called, "Heart Of A Champion," provides team building and leadership training for football players and even takes them to visit college campuses. Imagine the impact. These youngsters might not yet be playing college ball, but McNair gives them a place to see from, a view of what might come. Robert McNair played football at Cool Springs and the University of South Carolina. He owned the Houston Texans. "The thing Mr. McNair believed in most is the mentoring program," Lee said. Mentors meet with and encourage students to take rigorous courses, complete course work, and meet all requirements for post-high school graduation standards. In addition to programs listed above, McNair provides a leadership trained high school student to meet with all eighth graders and prepare them for the challenges and good academic habits that will make their transition into high school easier. McNair is not unique although it is stellar. College access programs exist across the nation, but, as Lee put it, "The McNairs were ahead of their time. They started this foundation 30 years ago. The college access movement is only about 20 years old." Lose up to 40 lbs in 40 Days * Dr. Sarah Merrison-McEntire, DC "If you are serious about losing weight, I can really help you" 152 W Main St, Forest City, NC 28043 828-202-7156 "To Be Your Best... See The Best" The Premier Weight Loss Clinic in the Rutherford County Region *This is an average, results may vary. Our Proprietary, Physician-Supervised Weight Loss System: t Individualized weight loss protocols and formulas that are administered based on metabolic dysfunction. t Proprietary physician-developed weight loss formulas in collaboration with USA labs t No hormones, no stimulants, no expensive slimming devices t 10 years physician experience in management of weight loss conditions t Safe and highly effective for auto-immune, diabetes, hypothyroidism, high blood pressure and cardiovascular patients. t$BSPMJOBT8FJHIU-PTT*OTUJUVUFJTUIFMFBEJOHXFJHIUMPTTDMJOJDJO/$GPDVTFEPO dealing with the functional causes of weight loss. It is led by clinic director, Dr. Lidia Adkins, a functional medicine doctor. Free Consultation Through Christine Lost: 51lbs 6 Month Transformation! September 6, 2019 Article by Pat Jobe, Special To Rutherford Weekly Article by Pat Jobe, Special To Rutherford Weekly McNair Star Shines Here Almost Incredible Help Offered To Local Scholars Shakira Jackson, back row, center in white shirt and red pants, organized a recent school supply rally and gave away school supplies and backpacks to local young folks. He credits McNair with rally and gave away school supplies and backpacks to local young folks. He credits McNair with giving him the juice to succeed in college. He graduates this December. giving him the juice to succeed in college. He graduates this December. (Photo contributed) (Photo contributed) RUTHERFORD COUNTY'S ONLY AUDITED NEWSPAPER RUTHERFORD COUNTY'S ONLY AUDITED NEWSPAPER Monica Lee, third from left, posed with East students: Bree Hammond, Monica Lee, third from left, posed with East students: Bree Hammond, Coleman Tisdale, Emily Koenig, Emma Patterson, Yarely Chino, and Coleman Tisdale, Emily Koenig, Emma Patterson, Yarely Chino, and Kayla Hamilton. Lee is the executive director of the Robert and Janice Kayla Hamilton. Lee is the executive director of the Robert and Janice McNair Educational Foundation which offers mentoring, scholarships, McNair Educational Foundation which offers mentoring, scholarships, and 23 other programs for students at Chase, East and RS Central and and 23 other programs for students at Chase, East and RS Central and their feeder schools. their feeder schools. (Photo by Pat Jobe) (Photo by Pat Jobe)

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