Today's Entertainment

June 23, 2019

The Brainerd Dispatch - Today's Entertainment Magazine

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June 23 - 29, 2019 Mind-bending TV Dan Stevens stars in "Legion" - Story on page 2 - Today's Entertainment ATTENTION HOMEBUYERS For 24 Hour Recorded Information & Addresses Simply Dial 1-800-374-9212 & Enter the 4 digit code. 7153ForthunRoad,Suite120, Baxter,MN Chad Schwendeman Broker/Owner 218-831-HOME (4663) CROSBY - $94,000 EXT. 4056 HILLMAN - $139,900 EXT. 1686 DEERWOOD - $174,900 EXT. 3636 PIERZ - $219,900 EXT. 3686 RUM RIVER - $197,900 EXT. 1206 UPPER DEAN LAKE - $239,900 EXT. 6766 BAXTER - $299,900 EXT. 6636 Corner of 7th & Laurel • Downtown Brainerd 829-7266 • Celeating 40 Years Serving the Jewelry needs of the Brainerd Lakes Area

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