On Screen

May 25, 2019

The Greeneville Sun's On Screen provides TV listings, entertainment content and puzzles for the local Greeneville, TN area.

Issue link: https://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/1122235

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2 x 2" ad A cut above real estate 2 x 6.5" ad a) beltone b) 1st baptist May 25 - 31, 2019 Timothy Olyphant (left) and Ian McShane star in the new TV movie "Deadwood," premiering Friday on HBO. Deadwood 6 x 3" ad a) Community Pharmacy b) Georgia's Southern Table c) McIntosh Lee d) Georgia's Southern Table ON SCREEN May 25 - 31, 2019 1007 W. MAIN STREET • GREENEVILLE, TN 37743 • (423)638-5878 Keith A. Reaves - Owner/Broker/Auctioneer Beautiful rolling lots with nice views. Great location convenient to town. Lots join if want to have more land with road frontage to both roads. Some Restrictions. Call Listing Offi ce for more details! MLS No. 399084 TBD Old Knoxville Hwy, Greeneville, TN 37743 $8,500 Lot size 0.34+/- acres MLS No. 399088 55 Lakeview St., Greeneville, TN 37743 $18,937 Lot size 0.69+/- acres. 2645 E Andrew Johnson Hwy • 423-787-9333 • www.southerntable.com Hours: Wednesday - Sunday - 11:00-8:00 All-You-Can-Eat Buff et (Over 160+ Items) Lunch - $ 7 99 + tax Dinner - $ 10 99 + tax

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