On Screen

May 18, 2019

The Greeneville Sun's On Screen provides TV listings, entertainment content and puzzles for the local Greeneville, TN area.

Issue link: https://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/1118920

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32— May 18 - 24, 2019 The Greeneville Sun, Greeneville, TN full page ad a) roberts furniture b) evergreen of johnson city c) nu hearing d) green county kubota 2725 West State St., Bristol, TN. 423 764-5411 1728 N Eastman Rd., Kingsport, TN 423 239-5361 308 Sunset Dr., Johnson City, TN. 423 282-4327 www.nuhearingcenters.com 906 Tusculum Blvd, Greeneville, TN 423 787-7817 4 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU BETTER! Voted Best Hearing Center In The TriCities 38 Times Voted Best Hearing Center in the Tricities 38 Times The Premier Center for Hearing Excellence 423 764-5411 | nuhearingcenters.com Our Team of Compassionate Hearing Specialists Now Accepting New Patients! 80% of Widex Evoke wearers could tell the hearing aid was getting better and improving sound clarity as they wear it. T o WIDEX LAUNCHES THE WORLD'S FIRST MACHINE LEARNING HEARING AID: WIDEX EVOKE WIDEX LA WIDEX EVOKE™ —THE WORLD'S FIRST SMART HEARING AID This hearing aid evolves in real time to keep getting smarter. 94% of hearing aid users PREFER over non-widex hearing aids in noise conditions! The Results Are In! EVOKE SPECIAL OFFER! Only available at Nu Hearing Centers! 2018 READERS CHOICE K I N G S P O R T , T E N N E S S E E $ 800 off THIS WEEK ONLY! MAY 18 - 24 MSRP of a pair

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