On Screen

April 27, 2019

The Greeneville Sun's On Screen provides TV listings, entertainment content and puzzles for the local Greeneville, TN area.

Issue link: https://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/1110301

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Page 31 of 31

32— April 27 - May 3, 2019 The Greeneville Sun, Greeneville, TN full page ad a) roberts furniture b) evergreen of johnson city c) nu hearing d) green county kubota EVERYTHING YOU NEED, FOR ANYTHING YOU NEED TO DO Kubota BX1880 BX TRACTORS Rotary Tiller ADD A TILLER $20/MONTH Mid-Mount Mower ADD A MOWER DECK $11/MONTH Front Loader ADD A LOADER $27/MONTH PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $91/MONTH SALES | RENTAL | SERVICE | PARTS 423-636-1370 | GREENECOUNTYKUBOTA.COM Payments of $91 per month on new Kubota BX1880 based on sales price of $9,528 at 20% down, 0 % A.P.R. for 84 months.Add the Land Pride RCR1260 Rotary Tiller for an additional $20 per month. Add 60" mower deck for an additional $11 per month. Add front loader with guard for an additional $27 per month. Financing available from Kubota Credit Corporation, U.S.A.; subject to credit approval. Payments do not include implements, freight, delivery, or taxes where applicable. Some exceptions apply. Offer expires 6 /30/19. See dealership for details.

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