Rutherford Weekly

April 11, 2019

Rutherford Weekly - Shelby NC

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Thursday, April 11-April 17, 2019 828-248-1408 Rutherford Weekly - Page 23 FOR RENT RUTHERFORD CO., NC QUIET COUNTRY LOCATION. 1803 Hines Road, Mooresboro. Newly remodeled small 2BR, 1BA Mobile Home with central air, new fridge and laminate fl oors, storage building. Grass cutting and trash pickup includ- ed. No pets, no smoking. Refer- ences and background check re- quired. $90 week, $400 deposit. 828-305-3770. 2 BEDROOM APT in Forest City. Water and garbage pickup furnished. $450 plus deposit. 828-248-1776. 1 BEDROOM STUDIO APART- MENT. All utilities included with FREE cable/wifi , $225 week in Forest City. Call for more info. (828) 382-0475 EFFICIENCY APARTMENTS. All utilities included with FREE cable/wifi and NO deposits. Starting at $150 a week. (828) 382-0475 2 & 3 BEDROOM Mobile Homes. Small private park be- tween Spindale and Forest City. Starting at $450 a month. (828) 382-0475 WEEKLY SPECIAL $210+ TAX AND UP. Town and Country Inn, Spindale. Newly remodeled. WiFi, Micro-fridge, fl atscreen, ESPN/Showtime. Nightly $49.99 and up. (828) 286-3681 FOR RENT CLEVELAND CO., NC JL OUTDOOR STORAGE. Out- door self storage for $1 per linear foot. Perfect for boats, utility trailers, RVs, cars, etc. Call today for pricing. Shel- by, NC 28152 (704) 487-7219 MARY LEIGHS COTTAGE im- mediate openings. 1BR units designed for the elderly (62 or older) or persons with dis- abilities regardless of age. This unique living space offers a share living experience (kitchen, living & laundry space) with a privacy of individual bedrooms/ bathroom spaces. Visit us at 204 N. Goforth St, Kings Mountain or 704-734-0055 (TTY@711) for in- formation. Offi ce hours are Wed 1-4 and Thurs 1-3. Rental Assis- tance available. $25 application fee, credit and criminal check required. Accessible units de- signed for persons with disabili- ties. Equal Housing Opportunity. This institution is professionally managed by Partnership Prop- erty Management, an equal op- portunity provider and employer. Handicap accessible. MOBILE HOMES & APART- MENTS. In Kings Mountain. Price starting at $100 per week. Call (704) 739-4417 FOR RENT CLEVELAND CO., NC SHELBY AREA. 3 bedroom houses. (704) 477-6418 AREA RENTALS. (Shelby) 770 Ware Rd, $1250. 709 N. Wash- ington St, $550. (Mooresboro) 109 Academy St, $550. Please call (704) 484-2015 MOVE IN SPECIAL. 2&3 Bed- room, $900 deposit required. $190 weekly rates. Includes power and water. NO PETS. Vis- it us online at Oakwood Rentals, Shelby or call (704) 473-4299 RETAIL SPACE (KINGS MOUNTAIN). 402 East Kings Street, Approximately 1000 sq ft, $850 month, utilities included. (704) 739-4417 2&3 BEDROOM MOBILE HOMES. Nice and clean, water furnished. Oak Grove Commu- nity, Kings Mtn. Call or text (704) 739-0259 FOR RENT CLEVELAND CO., NC HICKORY CREEK APART- MENTS FOR SENIORS. (62 and older), disabled (50 and older). Shelby. Now taking applications for waiting list. EHO. 418 E Warren St. Shelby, NC 28150 704-487-6354 KINGS MOUNTAIN MANOR. Now taking applications for 1 BR. HUD subsidized senior apartments. We are a 62 and older income limited community. 701 Erskine Court Kings Moun- tain, NC 28086 (704) 734-1990 BOILING SPRINGS. 2 bed- room, 1 bath house near Gard- ner-Webb. Dishwasher, washer/ dryer connections. $575. Call 704-472-9798 FOR RENT CLEVELAND CO., NC 2&3 BEDROOM TOWN- HOMES. Available now! Rent is based on income (and even some expenses). Call or visit today Laurel Hill Apartments. Equal housing opportunity. (704) 487-1114 LIONS SENIOR VILLAGE has 1 bedroom HUD subsidized apartments for low income seniors. Taking applications. Age 62 or older. Equal Housing Opportunity. 211 North Morgan Street Shelby, NC 28150 (704) 482-7723 SMALL QUITE COMPLEX. Large newly Renovated, 1 bed- room apartment. Living room, kitchen, dining, bath. Good lo- cation (Shelby). W/D hookups, stove, refrigerator. No pets or HAP, NO SMOKING. Heat & wa- ter included. $450. 704-487-5480 2 BEDROOM, 2 BATH MOBILE HOME. Kings Mountain. Ref- erences and deposit required. $550 month. (704) 300-4995 FOR RENT CLEVELAND CO., NC 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH. Den/ Kitchen, Dinning Room, 2 Car Garage, Front Porch/Deck, $975 per month. (704) 466-5908 2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH HOUSE. Washer & dryer hookup, central heat and air. $485 month, $300 deposit. (SHELBY CITY LIMITS) (704) 466-1003 FOR RENT CLEVELAND CO., NC ALEXANDER LANE (SHEL- BY). Nice 2 bedroom mobile home with appliances furnished. $400 month, $300 deposit. Greg 704-739-8813 or Tim 704- 473-5744 ADS WORK! PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limita- tions or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, fam- ily status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination." Familial status includes children under the age of 13 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertis- ing for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. ©Community First Media Community First Media #144 S Woodleaf Road, Forest City. 3 bedroom, 1 bath on 1.38 acres $69900. MLS#46610. First Realty, Inc. 828-286-2121 #375 Willowby Run Union Mills. 2 bedroom, 2 bath log home on 2 acres. $195,900. MLS#46707. #147 Diamond Drive, Ellenboro. 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath. $119,000. MLS#46573. ROSS ROSS WINDOWS WINDOWS THE BEST FOR LESS! CALL FOR ESTIMATE 828-437-4848 • DOUBLE PANE • FULLY WELDED • FREE LOW E GLASS ARGON GAS LIFETIME WARRANTY ©Community First Media Community First Media "up to 101 u.i." ANY SIZE WHITE DOUBLE HUNG $ 189. 00 Installed Madison Roberts and vendor Marie Chan dance to the song YMCA at the Opening Day of the Rutherford County Farmers Market. Rutherford County Farmers Market Opening Day Article Provided By: Jeff Melton Mike and Diane Fields make up the band "Just the two of us" perform at the Opening Day of the Rutherford County Farmers Market. Lana Bingham eats pecans at the Opening Day of the Rutherford County Farmers Market. The Opening Day of the Season for the Rutherford County Farmers Market was held in Forest City on April 6. Answers to Word Search Local, trusted results! Local, trusted results! Carolina Carolina CLASSIFIEDS .com or call 828.248.1408 369 Butler Rd., Forest City, NC

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