Rutherford Weekly - Shelby NC
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Page 24 - Rutherford Weekly 828-248-1408 Thursday, April 4-April 10, 2019 Living with knee pain can feel like a crippling experience. Let's face it, your knees aren't as young as you used to be, and playing with the kids or grandkids isn't any easier either. Maybe your knee pain keeps you from walking short distances or playing golf like you used to. Nothing's worse than feeling great mentally, but physically feeling held back from life because your knee hurts and the pain just won't go away! My name is Dr. Sarah Merrison-McEntire, owner of Carolina Chiro- practic Plus. Since we opened, we've seen hundreds of people with knee problems leave the office pain-free. If you're suffering from these conditions, a new breakthrough in medical technology may completely eliminate your pain and help restore normal function to your knees. Finally, An Option Other Than Drugs or Surgery Laser Therapy is an outpatient, non-surgical procedure, often used in physical therapy and sports medicine to accelerate the healing process. It offers non-invasive treatment to promote healing for those who suf fer from pain in muscles, nerves, and joints, like that associ- ated with chronic knee pain. This same laser is used by professional sports teams including the New York Yankees and Cincinnati Bengals. It Promotes Rapid Healing Of The Injured Tissues This pain-free, non-surgical approach works by stimulating the body's natural healing processes, providing pain relief and reducing injury damage. This leading edge technology has an impressive suc- cess rate of returning patients to work, sports and competitive activi- ties, as well as everyday life. Patients treated with Laser Therapy often show a higher level of function, both during and after the treatment period. The therapeu- tic laser provides a tremendous alternative for those facing surgery. Could This Non-Invasive, Natural Treatment Be The Answer To Your Knee Pain? Until April 18th, I'm running a very special offer where you can find out if you are a candidate for Laser Therapy. What does this offer include? Everything I normally do in my "Knee Pain Evaluation". Just call and here's what you'll get… t"OJOEFQUIDPOTVMUBUJPOBCPVUZPVSQSPCMFNXIFSF*XJMMMJTUFOy really listen…to the details of your case. t"DPNQMFUFOFVSPNVTDVMBSFYBNJOBUJPO t"GVMMTFUPGTQFDJBMJ[FEYSBZTUPEFUFSNJOFJGBSUISJUJTJTDPOUSJCVUJOH to your pain. t"UIPSPVHIBOBMZTJTPGZPVSFYBNBOEYSBZöOEJOHTTPXFDBOTUBSU mapping out your plan to being pain-free. t:PVMMTFFFWFSZUIJOHöSTUIBOEBOEöOEPVUJGUIJTBNB[JOHUSFBUNFOU will be your pain solution, like it has been for so many other patients. Until April 18, 2019, you can get everything I've listed here for only $35. The normal price for this type of evaluation including x-rays is $250, so you're saving a considerable amount by taking me up on this offer. Remember what it was like before you had knee problems; when you were pain free and could enjoy everything life had to offer? It can be that way again. Don't neglect your problem any longer – don't wait until it's too late. Here's what to do now: Due to the expected demand for this special offer, I urge you to call our office at once. The phone number is 828-202-5296. Call today and we can get started with your consultation, exam and x-rays as soon as there's an opening in the schedule. Tell the receptionist you'd like to come in for the Knee Evaluation. Yours in Good Health, Sarah Merrison-McEntire, D.C. P.S. Now you might be wondering… "Is this safe? Are there any side effects or dangers to this?" 5IF'%"DMFBSFEUIFöSTU-BTFS5IFSBQZJO5IJTXBTBGUFSUIFJS study found 76% improvement in patients with pain. Their only warning – don't shine it in your eyes. Of course at our office, the laser is never anywhere near your eyes and we'll give you a comfortable pair of goggles for safety. Don't wait and let your knee problems get worse, disabling you for life. Take me up on my offer and call today 828-202-5296. t"SUISJUJT t,OFFQBJO t$BSUJMBHFEBNBHF t#POFPOCPOF t5FOEPOJUJT t#VSTJUJT t$SVODIJOHQPQQJOH sounds Do You Have Any of the Following Conditions? TIbia (Shinbone) Patella (Kneecap) Femur (Thighbone) T h r e e A r e a s o f S e ve r e K n e e Pa i n Could This Get Rid of Knee Pain Once And For All... Without Drugs, Shots, or Surgery? Now, in Forest City, NC , doctors are helping local residents with knee pain live more active, pain-free lives. Here's what our patients have to say: "I was referred to Carolina Chi- ropractic Plus by my sister. I was having such severe pain in my right knee. This went on for several weeks. I could not sleep at night due to the intense pain. I realized I needed help when I found myself having crying spells during the day because I could not stand for more than 5 minutes without having pain. I came to CCP a painful, nervous wreck. As soon as I came in, the staff made me feel so loved. I started to cry as I was talking...about my complaints and the doctor hugged me. They performed x-rays and thor- oughly examined me. They assured me that they would help me feel better. I came in using a cane. By the middle of December, I stopped using my cane. The whole staff rejoiced with me! By the 1st week of January...I was not crying anymore. I thank God for the doctor and her fine staff. I would recommend and I have recommended CCP, to every- one because I feel they...really care about their patients. The whole staff here is so caring and they are very patient with me and everyone else in their care. I Love them all!" -Nancy Cash If You Decide To Purchase Additional Treatment You Have The Legal Right To Change Your Mind Within 3 Days And Receive A Refund. Federal Recipients Are Excluded From This Offer. t"7"*-"#-&6/5*-"13*- $35 CONSULT, EXAM, NECESSARY X-RAYS "/%0/&'3&&-"4&353&"5.&/5 ($250 VALUE) $BSPMJOB$IJSPQSBDUJD1MVT 8.BJO4U Forest City, NC We Accept Medicare, Primary Insurances &WFO"VUP Accidents