On Screen

February 23, 2019

The Greeneville Sun's On Screen provides TV listings, entertainment content and puzzles for the local Greeneville, TN area.

Issue link: https://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/1085333

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32— February 23 - March 1, 2019 The Greeneville Sun, Greeneville, TN Renew Today & Save Money Call 638-4182 or www.greenevillesun.com/subscribe With a ONE YEAR subscription or EZ PAY* *Enroll in our hassle–free, automatic way to pay for your subscription each month with your credit card or bank draft. Your subscription is paid automatically, every month. No more bills, running to the of ce, checks or stamps!...Payment made easy. Pay for a one year subscription using any of the following options: Cash, Check, Credit Card, or convert to EZ PAY* and Get a Free World Famous Calabash Chicken ® dinner at Valued at $ 12 99 Limited Offer 3140 E. ANDREW JOHNSON HWY. 11-E Bypass, Greeneville, Tenn. 423-787-9090 www.FatzCafe.com World Famous Calabash Chicken ® Our own signature recipe features over half-pound of plump, marinated chicken tenders, hand breaded and fried to perfection. Served with Fatz honey mustard and your choice of side item. Includes soup or salad (Veggie, Caesar or House). A value of $12.99 The Greeneville Sun The Greeneville Sun Send your payment to The Greeneville Sun and we will send you a certi cate for a FREE World Famous Calabash Chicken dinner with purchase of one adult entree at Fatz Cafe, Greeneville location only, located on E. Andrew Johnson Hwy., in Greeneville, Tenn. Offer is redeemable with your payment for a one year subscription, only. Please allow 2-4 weeks for the certi cate to arrive. Offer is good during special promotion. Certi cate is good for three months after payment. Not valid with any other offer. For your convenience, you may pay online at www.greenevillesun.com/subscribe. ® Get ONE FREE dinner with purchase of one (1) adult entree and your one year subscription to... 129751GS

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