Milwaukee Post
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2 • Milwaukee County Post • January 25, 2019 HOW TO SUBMIT A 263267103 The Milwaukee County Post will publish the wedding, anniversary and engagement announcements of people who have some connection with Milwaukee County. FORMS: Announcement forms will be available at the Milwaukee County Post, 3397 S. Howell Ave., Milwaukee,WI 53207. Call 414-744-6370 ext 10. COST: The cost of publishing an announcement is $25 per mod, (size 2.58" by 2.55" is one mod) Build your ad by mod size, payable by cash, check (payable to Milwaukee County Post) or credit card. Payment is required before publication. DATE OF PUBLICATION: Although the Milwaukee County Post tries to run all announcements in as timely a manner as possible, spatial constraints occasionally prevent the publication of every announcement received in a certain week. To ensure your announcement runs on a specific date, please submit it at least two weeks beforehand. SUBMITTED PHOTOS: Please provide a photo with your announcements. Black and white pictures are preferred, but color pictures are acceptable. If desired, photos can be emailed if they are saved in a .jpg format. Do not submit computer printouts of photos, as they do not reproduce clearly. RETURNING PHOTOS: Photos can be picked up at the Milwaukee County Post office after publication. Photos will be returned by mail only if a self- addressed, stamped envelope is provided with the announcement. Please allow four weeks for photos to be returned by mail.The Milwaukee County Post is not responsible for pictures left with wedding, anniversary and engagement announcements. CONTACT INFORMATION: For further information call 414-744-6370 ext. 10 or 262-513-2626 or email FOR THE Wedding, Anniversary or Engagement Announcement "Old fashioned service and quality" Mon.-Thurs. 7:30-7:00p.m.; Fri. 7:30-7:30; Sat. 7:30-5:30; Sun. 7:30-4:00 4640 W. Loomis Road Greenfield • 414.423.1322 See our ad weekly online at Ray's Butcher Shoppe 1/28/19 – 2/3/19 Thick Juicy Steaks 263267032 Ray's Homemade 7-Layer Salad $ 4.99lb. Ray's Homemade Shrimp Salad $ 5.99lb. Carry Out Friday Fish Frys $ 9.95 3 pc. Dinner includes: Fries, Coleslaw, Soup and Roll. 6 & 12 Piece Buckets also available. Sunday Special Hot Baked Ham $ 6.99lb. Includes 6 Free Rolls with purchase of 1lb. Ham (Limit 1 doz. Free Rolls). NON TRANS FAT Ray's Custom Cut Meat Packages Hind Quarters,Sides of Beef, Pork Loins and More... Ray's Fresh Homemade Bratwurst Regular, Beer & Onion Fresh Grade A Boneless Chicken Breast 8oz avg. Bacon Wrapped Filets Porthouse of Pork Pork Chops Ray's Homemade Chicken Cushions Herb & Garlic • Feta & Asparagus Ray's Custom Cut Baby Back Ribs Ray's Homemade Large Cooked Shrimp $ 3 99 lb. $ 2 99 lb. $ 4 99 ea. $ 4 99 lb. $ 4 59 lb. $ 5 99 lb. $ 9 99 lb. Catering available for any Party Needs! Ray's Homemade Deli Party Trays, Cheese, Cheese & Sausage, Shrimp, Fruit Trays, Hearty Meat Trays. Please Order Ahead. Beef & Gravy, Turkey & Gravy, Hickory & cherry Wood Smoked Hams, Honey Glazed Spiral Sliced Ham. We Cater Chicken & Pig Roasts. FOOTBALL PARTY CATERING Gift Certificates Available Conley Media Our face and hands aren't the only things feeling the chill from the cold weath- er — pipes experience it, too. The Waukesha Water Utility said frozen water pipes can occur if exposed areas aren't properly insulated or people are not careful about winter heating. Here are some problem areas, warning signals and tips to minimize the chance of freezing water pipes. Problem areas: ■ Pipes near broken or open basement windows ■ Unheated crawl spaces and equip- ment rooms ■ Pipes near the foundation or cracks in the basement wall ■ Pipes near exterior wall in an unheat- ed room ■ Inadequate heating in uninsulated or uncovered outside pit ■ Pipes under kitchen sinks or cup- boards Warning signs of freezing: ■ Unusually cold water temperature (less than 35 degrees F) at any fixture ■ Unusually low water flow at a fixture ■ Discolored water at a fixture ■ Low water pressure at a fixture ■ Extremely cold piping at a fixture ■ Sputtering sound when opening a fix- ture Thawing frozen pipes: ■ It's safest to use hot air from a hair dryer or exhaust from a vacuum cleaner. ■ Use heat tape, but with caution, and unplug when finished. Prevention: ■ Check water temperature and run a little water if unusually cold. ■ Shut off and drain outside water faucets before freezing occurs. ■ Run small amounts of water from highest faucet until full flow returns. ■ Insulate walls near exposed piping. n Repair cold air leaks to reduce drafts on piping and meter. Caution: ■ To prevent fires, never thaw with an open flame or torch. ■ Be careful if pipe is cracked, it will spray water into electrical appliances when thawed. ■ Check and clear drains to prevent basement flooding in case of pipes burst- ing. ■ Know where the main shutoff valve is located so you can turn it off quickly in case a pipe bursts. Volume 25, issue number 4 The Milwaukee Post (ISSN 1544-1776) is published weekly by Conley Media, Milwaukee County 3397 South Howell Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53207 For all departments call: 414-744-6370 News display and advertising FAX: 414-375-7070 Classifieds: 800-762-6219 ext. 5005 Classified Fax: 262-334-6252 For display advertising inquires: 414-744-6370 Barry Richards: Advertising Representative — ext. 13 Julia LeGath: Advertising Representative — ext. 17 Jim Baumgart Advertising Sales Director — 262-513-2621 For editorial questions: Dan Muckelbauer Editor 262-513-2626 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Milwaukee Post 3397 S. Howell Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53207 Periodicals Postage Paid at Milwaukee, WI. Your weekly newspaper is run- ning obituaries and in memoriam notices to honor a loved one's memory. They are $85 per week for 300 words or less. The price includes a small .jpg photo or graphic such as a veterans flag. A full-column photo can be added for $10 a day. A short pending death notice will be $25. They must be prepaid. The obituaries deadline will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday before publica- tion. All obituaries need to be sub- mitted by email. Send them to Call 262-513-2626 with any questions about the obituary serv- ice. Post obituaries guidelines How to prevent, thaw out frozen pipes