The Milwaukee Post

January 18, 2019

Milwaukee Post

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Variety of Vendors VENDOR INFO: (414) 481-5859 Admission: $2.00 Flea Market 263185017 Sat. Jan. 19 & Sun. Jan. 20 Sat. 9am-5pm • Sun. 9am-4pm Next Show Feb. 23&24 LOCATED IN Product Building Zimmermann's Service 360 E. Howard Ave. 414 -744-9868 BRAKES most cars $ 89 95 per axle With coupon. Expires 2/1/19. 263185027 DID YOU KNOW? • "Dimension 6" was the original name intended for Nike. • A study shows that teenagers who spend more time on electronic devices tend to have more problems with sleeping at night. — MARK BELLING Wisconsin isn't open for business anymore Page 8 Evers' removal of slogan sends an intended message OWEN ROBINSON Transportation spending is about priorities Page 9 Everyone benefits from it so should pay for roads, etc. MILWAUKEE COUNTY'S WEEKLY NEWSPAPER JANUARY 18, 2019 By Catherine Jozwik Special to the Post MILWAUKEE — At 9 a.m. Sunday, Milwaukee resident Mark Mattes, dressed in blue jeans, a knit stocking cap, a heavy sweatshirt, and neon con- struction vest, stood on a sidewalk near Old World Third Street and Highland Avenue. The day was chilly and overcast, but Mattes, along with about three dozen onlookers, didn't seem to mind the frosty temperatures. They had just witnessed a piece of Milwaukee histo- ry — the removal of the Bradley Center roof structure. "I put the roof on. Now I got to watch it come down," said Mattes, a roofer by trade who worked with com- mercial roofing company F.J.A. Christiansen to help construct the Bradley Center's roof in the late 1980s. On Oct. 1, 1988, the Bradley Center, home of the Milwaukee Bucks for more than three decades, and the site of countless rock concerts and other entertainment events, opened to the Memories churned up as Bradley Center roof comes down See BRADLEY CENTER on Page 11 Demolition of 31-year-old arena expected to be finished in summer Local news at your fingertips Visit Like us on Facebook: Photo courtesy of the Bucks The roof of the Bradley Center is imploded Sunday morning. The South Milwaukee Unite Against Drug Abuse Coalition Presents: THE 3rd ANNUAL ADDICTION & INFORMATION RESOURCE FAIR BE A PART OF THE LIVE PODCAST with Ryan, Patrick & Kevin to hear a conversation about their journey through addiction, treatment and recovery *NOTE: for mature audience due to language and content To listen to previous podcasts visit: WHEN: Monday, January 21, 2019 South Milwaukee Performing Arts Center WHERE: 901 15th Ave., South Milwaukee - Door 9 Resource Fair - 6pm Podcast - 6:30pm "Don't Die...We Will Figure Out The Rest Later" DONTDIEWISCONSIN@OUTLOOK.COM INSTAGRAM: @dontdiewisconsin 414-628-5873 Call South Milwaukee Health Department at 414-768-8055 for more information

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