The Milwaukee Post

January 04, 2019

Milwaukee Post

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Zimmermann's Service 360 E. Howard Ave. 414-744-9868 262770020 With coupon. Expires 1/18/19. per axle. ALIGNMENT most cars $ 48 95 DID YOU KNOW? • A woman bought a nonvisible piece of art, "Fresh Air," for $10,000. • According to data provided by dating sites, the Sunday after New Year's Day is the busiest time of the year for online dating. — MARK BELLING Get ready for four years of Governor Nobody Page 8 Incoming governor in way over his head UPCOMING PLAYS IN THE WARM INDOORS THIS WINTER – PAGE 17 SEN. CHRIS LARSON Your Right to Know Page 9 Legislators must respect open records law MILWAUKEE COUNTY'S WEEKLY NEWSPAPER JANUARY 4, 2019 By Brian Wettlaufer Special to the Post MILWAUKEE — With water temperatures hovering near 39 degrees in choppy conditions, some Polar Bear Plunge partici- pants among the several thousand revelers gathered decided they just couldn't wait for the unoffi- cial noon start on Tuesday at Bradford Beach. Adam Fiebelkorn of Bay View was one. For the first time he joined other members of the Milwaukee Rugby Football Club for this year's plunge. After taking a quick dip, their group decided to leave early so they could retreat to their favorite watering hole on the East Side "for liquid warmth and to discuss old glories and future battles." As noon approached, Brian Siekert of Hartland climbed atop his ladder near the water and readied his air horn. For almost 20 years he has been the unofficial Above-freezing temps greet Polar Bear Plunge participants celebrating 2019 See POLAR BEAR on Page 10 'Unofficial' is byword at Bradford Beach Local news at your fingertips Visit Like us on Facebook: Derek Yurkiewicz/Special to the Post Participants make their way into Lake Michigan on Tuesday at the 2019 Polar Bear Plunge at Bradford Beach in Milwaukee. BLANDO DOOR TO THE RESCUE! GARAGE DOOR TUNE-UP GARAGE DOOR TUNE-UP INCLUDES: Pre-Inspection of All Garage Door & Operator Parts, Adjustments, Lubrication, Tightening All Nuts, Bolts and Hinges. ONLY $69.95 ONLY $69.95 Tuneups Save You From Costly Breakdowns * $ 349 349 $ Regularly $439 Value Please Mention this Ad for this offer. New Chamberlain LiftMaster 1/2 HP Model 8160w Ultra Quiet DC Motor on Sale! Quality top rated garage door opener includes two remotes, deluxe inside wall station, safety photo eyes, Wi-Fi , lifetime motor warranty, installation, haul away old opener, no tax. * 798 798 includes: installation, remove and haul away old door, reattach existing opener & No tax. *Prices may vary due to Lead Abatement Law GARAGE DOOR GARAGE DOOR GARAGE DOOR TUNE-UP TUNE-UP TUNE-UP INCLUDES: Pre-Inspection of All Garage Door & Operator Parts, Adjustments, Lubrication, Tightening All N t B lt d Hi ONLY ONLY $69.95 $69.95 $69.95 Tuneups Save You From Costly Breakdowns Family Owned, Honest, Reliable Service Over 27 Years

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