The Milwaukee Post

December 28, 2018

Milwaukee Post

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DO YOU NEED A WILL? DO YOU NEED A WILL? Attorney James J. Winiarski An experienced professional in estate planning. A standard simple will is $215.00, and that charge includes a private conference with Attorney Winiarski. Husband and wife for $400.00. •Probate services are also available at reasonable rates. •Emergency consultations are available. •Please Call for a Free Simple Estate Planning Consultation Attorney James J. Winiarski 3625 W. Oklahoma Ave., Milwaukee (414) 383-3902 263089034 DID YOU KNOW? • M&M's stands for Mars & Murrie's, the last names of the candy's founders. • The Spanish ritual on New Year's Eve is to eat 12 grapes at midnight. It is done in the hope of having 12 happy months in the coming year. — MARK BELLING Ecigarette industry delivers vaping disaster Page 8 High schools are packed with new nicotine addicts RINGING IN THE NEW YEAR WITH FUN FOR ALL – PAGE 17 OWEN ROBINSON Evers begins to stock Cabinet Page 9 Choices have distinct Madison, Milwaukee flavor MILWAUKEE COUNTY'S WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DECEMBER 28, 2018 By Katherine Michalets Conley News Service JOHNSON CREEK — Her time as lieu- tenant governor may be nearing its end, but Rebecca Kleefisch continues to be a force to reckon with as she whirls into Starbucks a few days before Christmas on the way to speak at a correctional institute graduation ceremony. Kleefisch's life is about to undergo a major change after she and Gov. Scott Walker lost re- election in November to Tony Evers and Mandela Barnes, but she hasn't yet chosen the path she will now take. "I want to continue to do good work and continue to be an advocate for the voiceless and to continue to be a representative of what I feel is the Wisconsin spirit," she said Dec. 20 while sitting at a corner table at Starbucks in Johnson Creek. Options she is weighing include scholarly, government or private sector work. "I'm praying a lot about it," she said. Kleefisch is not the only one in her house- hold about to go through a transitional period. Her husband, Joel, has served as District 38 state representative for about 14 years. He did not seek re-election and will be succeeded by What's next for Rebecca Kleefisch? See KLEEFISCH on Page 3 Outgoing lieutenant governor discusses her future Local news at your fingertips Visit Like us on Facebook: Katherine Michalets/Conley News Service Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch reflects on her years in the Capitol at the Starbucks in Johnson Creek on Dec. 20.

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