The Milwaukee Post

December 14, 2018

Milwaukee Post

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MARK BELLING Ginning up fake news Page 8 No actual Republicans oppose state GOP bills OWEN ROBINSON Providing input on the next state budget Page 9 Officials need to keep in mind likely recession MILWAUKEE COUNTY'S WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DECEMBER 14, 2018 Local news at your fingertips Visit Zimmermann's Service 360 E. Howard Ave. 414 -744-9868 BRAKES most cars $ 89 95 per axle With coupon. Expires 12/28/18. 262314049 Variety of Vendors VENDOR INFO: (414) 481-5859 Admission: $2.00 Flea Market 262770013 Sat. Dec. 15 & Sun. Dec. 16 Sat. 9am-5pm • Sun. 9am-4pm Next Show Jan. 19 & 20 LOCATED IN Product Building DID YOU KNOW? • Thai people call Bangkok "Krung Thep," or the "City of Angels." • Vampire bats adopt orphans. They are one of the few mammals known to risk their lives to share food with less fortunate roost-mates. — By Dave Fidlin Special to the Post GLENDALE — Mayors and village presi- dents across Milwaukee County this week sounded off on the lame-duck bills Republican lawmakers have forwarded on to Gov. Scott Walker's office. The elected leaders gathered jointly at the monthly Intergovernmental Cooperation Council of Milwaukee County meeting, which was held Monday at the Boelter Superstore Event Center in Glendale. Municipal leaders across the county offered varied viewpoints, with many opposed to the measures taken before new leadership steps in next month. South Milwaukee Mayor Erik Brooks called on his counterparts in Milwaukee and sur- rounding communities to adopt a joint resolu- tion in opposition to the Legislature's maneu- vers, which made national headlines. A formal motion to send a unified message was not made, though a number of mayors and village presidents indicated plans of individu- ally contacting Walker's office. The two-term governor did not make any firm decisions at press dead- line, but reports in recent days have indicated Walker would sign at least some of the provisions in the bills, which critics argue strips new Democratic leadership of certain powers in place under the current Republican-majority direction. During this week's ICC discussion, Brooks Local leaders sound off on 'lame-duck lawmaking' See LAME DUCK on Page 18 South Milwaukee mayor calls for counterparts to contact Walker's office, legislators Brooks

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