ZZZ - GMG - VEGAS INC 2011-2014

January 28, 2013

VEGAS INC Magazine - Latest Las Vegas business news, features and commentaries about gaming, tourism, real estate and more

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J A N U A R Y 2 8 , 2 0 1 3 / Y O U R b u s i n e s s - t o - b u s i n e s s w e e k ly SPECIAL FOCUS WHat's coming in The new year This month, VEGAS INC looks ahead to 2013 and the intersection of business and politics. Caesars USES poker game to recruit future executives vegas inc file photo DRUG BUST: Lawmakers are looking to restrict pharmacy sales of pseudoephedrine, the main chemical in many over-the-counter cold medicines and a key ingredient in methamphetamine. Assembly Bill 39 would allow for a same-day customer verification system and limit the amount of pseudoephedrine customers can buy in a month. 8 bills to watch in Carson City They could change the way we do business By Anjeanette Damon staff writer A s the 2013 Legislature readies to convene, most observers have focused their attention on taxes. ¶ Republican Gov. Brian Sandoval has promised to veto any tax increase, while Democratic leaders have vowed to launch an extensive review of the existing tax structure, which has the potential to change the way businesses pay license fees, the live entertainment tax and other levies. ¶ But the tax debate isn't the only discussion that stands to change the way Nevada compasee BILLS, page 14 Making sure it's secure.™ 28 JANUARY 2013 20130128_VI01_F.indd 1 see CAESARS, page 17 INSIDE TODAY SLAM DUNK| P. 6 Proposed UNLV Now "mega-events" stadium touted as a game changer WOMEN TO WATCH | INSIDE Sixteen women who will make a mark on our community in the coming year THE LIST | P. 22 nies do business. | By Ron Sylvester staff writer Most American companies screen and court MBA graduates the same way: They dispatch teams to elite business schools to schmooze and talk up their companies. They host mixers with free food and drinks. Members of the companies' development departments screen students, often with problemsolving tests, then invite a chosen few to corporate headquarters. The best of the best land internships that could lead to full-time jobs and, possibly, corner offices. Caesars Entertainment does it differently. It screens job candidates during a poker tournament. Earlier this month, as it has for the past eight years, Caesars hosted its MBA Poker Championships and Recruitment Weekend at Planet Hollywood. More than 500 people, most looking to join the company's management corps, attended. | Labor unions, by membership 702-25 SHRED 702-257-4733 www.shredit.com/LasVegas 1 1/24/13 2:23:07 PM

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