

TheBurg News - Greater Harrisburg's Community Magazine

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28 | | 11.18 The Millworks Gallery shop 1. Yarn by Fiberrarium $23 2. Pennant by Andrew Guth $20 3. Necklaces and Rings by Fennec $30-$40 4. Ceramics by Quiet Clay: flask $60, ring cone $14, whiskey cups 2 for $25 5. Glass gemstone by Kelly Curran $20 6. Painting by Ann Benton Yeager $100 7. Soap by Lyes & Lathers $6 340 Verbeke St., Harrisburg, PA 17102 pluM BoTToM Fashion, comfort, quality and a huge selection put Plum Bottom a step above the average women's shoe store. Find sizes from 5 to 11 in narrow to wide widths. 1. Suede Boot by Eric Michael $210 2. Ankle Boot by Pikolinos $200 3. Sorel Boots $170 2619 Brindle Dr., Harrisburg, PA 17110 #shopsmall #shoplocal #shoplocalcentralpa e Millworks shop is a collection of curated items hand crafted by resident artists. You will find art, ceramics, jewelry, planters, candles, soaps, fiber art and so much more! c d e f g h c d photos bY haleY harneD

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