
October 2018

NewsBeat is a newsaper industry publication by the NY Press Association.

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621 Columbia Street Ext., Suite 100 Cohoes, NY 12047 This issue of 'NewBeat' was printed by PA New York Press Association Paying too much for Workers' Compensation Insurance? NYPA offers group coverage for workers' comp through the NY State Insurance Fund. Qualified participants are eligible for a 15% advance discount and a 30% year-end dividend. If you're paying too much for workers' compensation insurance, contact Carol at NYPA today for more information. PA New York Press Association 2 0 1 8 Better Newspaper Contest S P O N S O R E D B Y T H E N E W Y O R K P R E S S A S S O C I A T I O N JUST A REMINDER — NYPA's "Better Newspaper Contest" is approaching. Save your best work from any 2018 issues of your newspaper to consider entering into the annual contest. Deadline for entries is Tuesday, January 8, 2019… Please plan accordingly! Rules and entry information will be available soon.

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