Special Sections

drive for schools 091118

Issue link: https://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/1027283

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2 SEPTEMBER 11, 2018 DRIVE FOR SCHOOLS As president of the Santa Cruz Seaside Company, it's my distinct honor to continue the family legacy started by my great grandfather, Laurence Canfield, in the 1920s. The Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, Carousel Beach Inn, Sea and Sand Inn and Boardwalk Bowl are a source of great pride in my family and we enjoy offering our visitors a first-class guest experience. We also take immense pride in presenting Drive for Schools with our partners at Toyota of Santa Cruz and Subaru of Santa Cruz. This unique community event has become the premier fundraiser for Santa Cruz County Schools, generating more than $5.4 million to support important school programs since it began in 2005. Thank you to all the schools, parents, students, local businesses and community members who make Drive for Schools such a special event and huge success for our children. Sincerely, Karl Rice President, Santa Cruz Seaside Company FROM OUR FAMILY TO YOURS WHAT'S INSIDE... A FUNDRAISER WITH A LOT OF MOVING PARTS 4 DONATIONS COME IN MANY DIFFERENT WAYS 6 10 BY CALVIN MEN BY CALVIN MEN SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS TEACHING US HOW IT'S DONE BY CALVIN MEN

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