ML - Vegas Magazine

2013 - Issue 1 - Winter

Vegas Magazine - Niche Media - There is a place beyond the crowds, beyond the ropes, where dreams are realized and success is celebrated. You are invited.

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Page 7 of 111

Winter 2013 4 Front Runners 16 From the Editor-in-Chief 18 From the Publisher 20 ...Without Whom This Issue Would Not Have Been Possible 23 Invited 32 The List people 34 Makeover Madness Palms President Joe Magliarditi is rebranding the hotel into a sophisticated resort following a decade of appealing to a younger crowd. By Lisa Arcella 36 Sunshine Superwoman Lydia Ball and the Clean Energy Project are leading Las Vegas toward a more sustainable future. By Bret Love 38 Two of a Kind The design of the new Gay and Lesbian Community Center is in good hands: famed architects Jon Sparer and John Klai. 40 Kindness Counts Drew Stevens started his "Be Kind" campaign as the legacy of his 12-year-old son Josh who died far too young. Today, the organization touches the lives of thousands. By JoAnna Haugen 6 38 Two of a Kind Architects Jon Sparer and John Klai designed a new downtown gem—and the home they share. PHOTOGRAPHY BY BRIAN BROWN By Cindy Pearlman VEGASMAGAZINE.COM 06-12_V_FOB_TOC_Win13.indd 6 1/2/13 2:35 PM

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