The Press-Dispatch

April 11, 2018

The Press-Dispatch

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The Press-Dispatch Local Wednesday, April 11, 2018 A- 5 ª5($'<ª6(7ª 6&5((1 $'PDPPRJUDPFDQJLYH\RXDKHDGVWDUW «DQGLWFRXOGEHDOLIHVDYLQJPRYH:LWK*RRG6DPDULWDQ%UHDVW&DUH&HQWHU\RXFDQFRXQWRQFRPSDVVLRQDWH H[SHUWVWRHQVXUH\RXUFRPIRUWDQGWKHPRVWDGYDQFHGWHFKQRORJ\WRRIIHUHDUOLHUPRUHDFFXUDWHGHWHFWLRQRI EUHDVWFDQFHU 2XU'WRPRV\QWKHVLVPDPPRJUDSK\WDNHVPXOWLSOHLPDJHVLQVHFRQGVDQGGLVSOD\VWLVVXHOD\HUVWKDWVKRZ ¿QHUGHWDLOVIRUD LQFUHDVHLQWKHGHWHFWLRQRILQYDVLYHEUHDVWFDQFHUV GHFUHDVHLQZRPHQUHFDOOHGIRUDGGLWLRQDOLPDJLQJ :HHQFRXUDJHZRPHQDJHDQGROGHUWRKDYHDPDPPRJUDPHYHU\\HDUIRUDVORQJDVWKH\DUHLQJRRGKHDOWK 6723FDQFHU*2IRU\RXU'PDPPRJUDP 6FKHGXOHWRGD\DW ZZZJVKYLQRUJ (YHQLQJDSSRLQWPHQWVDYDLODEOHRQ7KXUVGD\V ³,DPYHU\DGDPDQWDERXW\HDUO\PDPPRJUDPV $PDPPRJUDPDEVROXWHO\VDYHGP\OLIH´ 0LOOLH+EUHDVWFDQFHUVXUYLYRU WKDQNVWRDPDPPRJUDP 50th anniversary Patricia and James Weis- man, of Otwell, will cele- brate their 50th wedding an- niversary on May 6, 2018, at St. John's Lutheran Church, Boone Township. Patricia Cox and James Weisman were united in marriage on May 4, 1968, at Salem United Church of Christ in Huntingburg. At- tendants were Beverly (Cox) Phillips, Elizabeth (Krieg) Simmers, Sharon (Hohl) Eisenhauer, Jerry Jackle, Norman Sendelweck, and James Rudolph. They are the parents of Ju- lie ( John) Bott, of Indianapo- lis, and Lisa (Chad) Cundiff, of Otwell. They have three grandsons and four bonus grandsons. The couple will celebrate with an open house hosted by their children from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. on May 6 at St. John's Lutheran Church. Hors d'oeuvres and cake will be served. With This Ring... Area Reunion KING FAMILY REUNION The King Family will be having a reunion Sunday, April 15 at 1 p.m. CDT at the Oakland City Wirth Park, Hwy. 64. There will be a carry-in lunch. Bring fami- ly photos to share. For more information, contact Rebecca Manion 270 -521-6609. READER GUIDE Subscriptions: Subscription rates: One year: $30 for Pike and surrounding counties and all 475 and 476 ad- dresses; elsewhere in Indiana $33; out of state $50 Paid in advance. Change of address — subscribers changing addresses will please give their old address as well as new one along with phone number. We cannot guarantee prompt change unless this is done. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Press-Dispatch, P.O. Box 68 Petersburg, IN 47567-0068 or e-mail How to contact us: By Phone: ...................................................................... 812-354-8500 By Fax: ........................................................................... 812-354-2014 By E-mail: General and Church News Sports Department Advertising Classified Advertising Andy Heuring, Editor Obituaries Subscriptions/Circulation Legals/Public Notices Accounting Department About us: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heuring, Publishers Andrew G. Heuring, Editor John B. Heuring, Adv. Manager Cindy Petty, Advertising Sales Pam Lemond, Advertising Sales Matt Haycraft, Advertising Sales Ed Cahill, Sports Editor Eric Gogel, Production Manager Monica Sinclair, Office Manager • • • • • • Published every Wednesday by the Pike County Publishing Co. Telephone 812-354-8500 820 Poplar Street, P.O. Box 68, Petersburg, Indiana 47567 • • • • • • Entered at the Post Office in Petersburg, Indiana for transmis- sion through the mails as Periodical Mail, postage paid at Petersburg, Indiana. Published weekly. (USPS 604-340) Immunization Clinics starts April 12 at Pike Co. Health Dept. The Pike County Health Depart- ment will be holding Kindergarten Immunization Clinics on Thursday, April 12, from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Friday, April 13, from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. for students entering Kin- dergarten next school year. The Pike County Health De- partment is located at 907 E. Wal- nut Street Petersburg (Old Peters- burg Gym). Parents must bring in- surance card on the day of appoint- ment. Most major insurances and Medicaid are accepted. Call 812- 354-8797 to schedule an appoint- ment. As a reminder, students entering sixth and twelfth grade will also need immunizations prior to start- ing the 2018 -2019 school year. All sixth graders will be required to have Tdap, Meningococcal, and two doses of Hepatitis A vaccine. All in- coming seniors will be required to have a booster dose of Meningococ- cal vaccine and two doses of Hepa- titis A vaccine. Hepatitis A vaccine for sixth graders and seniors is a new requirement for the 2018 -2019 school year. This is a series of two shots separated by six months. Stu- dents who have not started this se- ries need to do so ASAP. Superintendents and engineers meet in Pike County The Southwest Superintendents and Engineers Association met last Wednesday in Petersburg at No. 423 Smokehouse. Pike County Highway Department Superintendents Roger Ham and Josh Byrd are new members of the group. Past President Steve Berg of Dubois County said all 92 counties partici- pate in the group that helps keep track of legislation at the state level affecting highway departments and also has training for its members. Byrd said the group is helpful by being able to network with other superintendents to learn about what is working well for them, such as new types of equipment or new techniques.

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