Diversity Rules Magazine

January 2018

Diversity Rules Magazine - _lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning_

Issue link: http://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/920381

Contents of this Issue


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7 Diversity Rules Magazine January 2018 JRK: Now that kEEp scrEEming is completed, what is next for J.B. Ghuman, Jr.? JB: Sigh… man, after this long on this project, I kinda jus wanna go somewhere and travel as I get back to a life where I'm not so chained to my edit desk. ha. But… alas, I'm already in the midst of another music video for a dope artist as well as gearing up to do a rad Marvel short film and of course my next feature script that's been busting at the seams for me to get her set up. at and I'm equally looking to do another art film though on a bigger scale. It's as if I can't shut my mind off. From dreams to quiet sit downs by the lake, it's all I can do to "not" ponder things… and then want to share. Ugh… i'm like… never going to get to just chill, am i. lol. JRK; Do you have any parting thoughts you would like to leave Diversity Rules readers? JB: Nah, I'm cool. My answers we're so long winded, my fingers are basically dried out. you rock and thank you for even caring. much shine you way all day. ox jBjR!

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