Wynn Las Vegas Magazine by MODERN LUXURY

Wynn Las Vegas - 2017 - Issue 3 - Winter

Wynn Magazine - Las Vegas

Issue link: http://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/914167

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83 MAKING NEW MEMORIES The late-summer debut of Charlie's Bar + Grill, with high-resolution, big- screen televisions galore, was timed to coincide with the new football sea- son. Perhaps management was also taking a page from Meyerson's playbook, specifically No. 43: "You get one chance with a first impres- sion… make it good." Many seats at Charlie's offer unimpeded views of an adjacent 137-foot-wide LED video wall, and the high-definition TV screens that line the interior of Charlie's sync viewers with the action hap- pening just a few feet away. A 22-foot bar now links the restaurant to the viewing area—remodeled with 49 viewing carrels and custom-made red sofas for VIPs—and additional lighting gives both spaces a grand feel. With game-day crowds among its core customers, the Charlie's Bar + Grill menu is loaded with tailgate favorites and classic American grill fare. That would please Meyerson, who famously eschewed "health" foods despite keeping active on a Stairmaster well into his 80s. A 2004 Las Vegas Sun tribute even referenced his fondness for sugary treats and aversion to greens. "Charlie would appreciate anything that wasn't green on his plate," recalls Battaglini. "He did not care for any green vegetables or any gar- nishment such as parsley." Prince, who describes his father's tastes as "sim- ple and straightforward," notes Meyerson was fond of a "good-quality, expertly cooked steak," with no greens, of course. (Deference to health-conscious guests places a "Field of Greens" category on the menu.) What would Meyerson recommend for diners at his namesake restaurant? "He liked a simple Sabrett frank from the street vendors of New York," says Prince. But Meyerson, whose fifth rule stipulated that the "customer be the hero," would heartily approve of a guest preferring the "loaded dog," groaning under its sauerkraut and condiments next to a pile of extra-crispy "seashore fries." It is as principled a hot dog as you will likely ever have the opportunity to order. 創造新回憶 CHARLIE'S BAR + GRILL在仲夏與重新裝修的永利拉斯維加斯RACE & SPORTS BOOK(賽事及體育廳)同期開張,正好趕上足球新賽季的開始。可 能管理層也參考了MEYERSON的哲學手冊,尤其是第43條:「你給人留下第一 印象的機會只有一次,好好把握它。」 CHARLIE'S餐廳和體育廳兩者聯手,相 得益彰:體育廳改造後加入了橫跨整個大廳的137英尺寬的LED屏幕,高清電視 屏幕讓CHARLIE'S餐廳裡的觀眾也能在幾英尺以外同步觀看廳裡的情況。 如今餐廳和觀賽區由一個22英尺的酒吧連接起來,觀賽區有49個專為貴賓 設立的觀賽位和舒適的紅色定製沙發,額外的照明設計使兩邊區域都感覺輝煌 明亮。比賽日的觀賽人潮是CHARLIE'S BAR + GRILL的主要客源,餐廳的 菜單也和它開張時所宣布的那樣,以美式足球賽派對美食和美式燒烤為主。 這個菜單一定會讓MEYERSON很高興,因為雖然他一直保持用爬樓 梯機鍛煉的習慣直到80多歲,卻是出了名不愛吃「健康」食物的人。2004年 《拉斯維加斯太陽報》的致敬文章還提到過他對高糖分食物的喜愛和對綠 色蔬菜的厭惡。「只要餐盤裡沒有綠色的東西,CH A R L IE就會很高興,」 BATTAGL IN I回憶說:「他根本不在乎任何綠色蔬菜,連用來裝飾的荷蘭 芹也不喜歡。」PR INCE形容父親的口味「簡單而直接」,只對「優質的、烹 飪得恰到好處的牛扒」感興趣,而且一定不能配任何蔬菜。(餐廳為了尊重注 重健康的客人,在菜單上專門設置了「田園蔬菜」類別。)MEYERSON會在 以他命名的餐廳裡推薦何種菜式給客人?PR INCE說:「他非常喜歡紐約風 格的熱狗,相信THE LOA DED DOG熱狗會是他的首選。」煎得又香又脆 的四分一磅熱狗香腸夾在酸菜麵包裡,趁熱澆上醬汁,旁邊放上一堆超級香 脆的「海濱薯條」,可能MEYERSON的哲學沒有論述過這方面,但這道菜 肯定和CH A R L IE的人生準則一脈相承。 從左至右:The loaded dog熱狗; 每個座位都能看到 大屏幕電視;超大 椒鹽捲餅配山葵 cheddar芝士;生日 奶昔配蛋糕及鬆軟 棉花糖。 From far left: The loaded dog; fish and chips; a giant pretzel with warm horseradish cheddar cheese; birthday milkshake, complete with cake and marshmallow fluff.

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