Wynn Las Vegas Magazine by MODERN LUXURY

Wynn Las Vegas - 2017 - Issue 3 - Winter

Wynn Magazine - Las Vegas

Issue link: http://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/914167

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82 PHOTOGRAPHY BY JEFF GREEN (FOOD) "This is a testimony to the bond Steve Wynn and Charlie Meyerson shared," says Wynn Vice President Stephen Battaglini, a former executive host who served alongside Meyerson for five years. "It gives me a warm feeling to see his photo smiling down on all of us." 44 RULES TO LIVE BY Those closest to Meyerson describe him as a principled man, one whose life and career adhered to a very specific code. Battaglini passes along proof of Meyerson's principles in the form of a document titled "The Philosophies of Charlie Meyerson." It's five pages, with a note marking the last update on May 29, 2000. Even at 84 years old, Meyerson was still giv- ing out life lessons to peers and successors. "[Charlie] mentored me through observing his interactions with casino guests as well as employees," Battaglini explains. "I believe all employees should read and live by [these]." The "philosophies"—44 total, with addi- tional advice written at the end of the list—could easily replace any human resources handbook for hosts on the Strip: No. 4: Learn to say "no" and still have the customer like you. No. 15: You can't make enough friends and you can't afford one enemy. No. 35: Don't delay acting on a good idea; chances are someone else has just thought of it too. Success comes to the one who acts first. It's easy to see why Meyerson was so respected. These principles "no doubt led to his success," says Prince, now employed at Wynn Las Vegas. "I like to think that those ideals guide me as well." 「這是史提芬永利和CHA RLIE MEYERSON之間深厚情誼的見證,」 曾與MEYERSON共事5年的永利賓客發展部副總裁STEPHEN BATTAGLINI 說,「看見他在照片裡對大家微笑,令我感覺溫暖。」 人生的44個準則 MEYERSON的密友們都形容他是一個非常有原則的人,他在生活和 事業中都秉行著嚴格的準則。BATTAGL IN I把MEYERSON的這些人生 準則歸納成一份記錄,命名為「CH A R L IE MEYERSON的哲學」。這份長 達五頁的檔案一直記錄到2000年的5月29日。MEYERSON年屆84歲高齡 時,仍在與他的同事和接班人分享人生感悟。 「通過觀察CH A R L IE與度假村客人以及員工之間的互動,我學到了很 多東西,」BATTAGL IN I解釋說:「我認為所有員工都應該閱讀並且學習遵 循這份指引。」這份「哲學」共有44條,加上後面附加的額外建議,完全能輕 易地取代拉斯維加斯大道上任何一個度假村管理者手上的人力資源手冊。 第4條:學會說"不",但仍然要讓客人喜歡你。 第15條:朋友永遠不嫌多,但敵人一個已經太多。 第35條:想到好主意要立即執行;別人很可能也已經想到了。成功總是 眷顧那些最先行動的人。 實在不難看出為何MEYERSON這樣受人尊敬。這些準則「毫無疑問 是他成功的秘訣」,在永利拉斯維加斯度假村任職工程師的PR INCE說:「 我覺得那些理想也在指引著我。」

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