Wynn Las Vegas Magazine by MODERN LUXURY

Wynn Las Vegas - 2017 - Issue 3 - Winter

Wynn Magazine - Las Vegas

Issue link: http://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/914167

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77 無論是為公司客戶定製仿真巧克力作品,還是確保永利出品的巧克力 麵包保持一貫的完美水準,Patrice Caillot大廚在永利拉斯維加斯裡 的工作,一直在為客人帶來甜蜜快樂的感覺。 From creating custom chocolate illusions for corporate guests to ensuring Wynn's pain au chocolat is consistently faultless, chef Patrice Caillot plays one of the sweetest roles at Wynn Las Vegas. by Beth Schwartz photography by Emily Wilson THE CHOCOLATE MASTER TO WATCH EXECUTIVE PASTRY CHEF PATRICE CAILLOT OVER- SEE HIS PASTRY SHOP AT WYNN LAS VEGAS is to observe a maestro directing an orchestra in a finely tuned performance. The diminutive chef con- ducts his team of 75 seamlessly—moving in quick bursts from the pastry shop's Danish room to its chocolate enrobing station to ensure every croissant, brioche and piece of chocolate will deliver a harmonious experience worthy of the most studied connoisseur. Chef Caillot swoops into the shop's chocolate enrobing area to inspect a spe- cial dessert his team is making for a Star Stainless Screw corporate dinner. The dessert, composed of painstakingly created screws, nuts and bolts, is made with the finest Belgian chocolate sprayed silver for a stainless-steel effect. Satisfied with its progress, he leaves the sweet scent of chocolate and zips over to a room where the fragrant smell of yeast hangs in the air. He watches as his team takes long strips of fresh dough and methodically shapes each with the palms of their hands into a perfect roll, to be placed in a uniform row among its counterparts. Speaking English with an accent dipped in French, Caillot directs one of his sous chefs to bring me a chocolate croissant the size of a grapefruit. He insists I have a taste of the signature item for which he is best known. "That's for sure something when they come here. [Guests] always say, 'Oh, the croissants, they are the best,'" he relays. The secret is the butter imported from the Brittany region of France, he adds, nodding to giant slabs of bright yellow butter stacked on the corner of a butcher-block table where dough is being fastidiously mas- saged into rolls. He has over 35 years of experience in iconic restaurants from southern France to New York, where he spent years refining his craft. His pastry career began with a three-year apprenticeship in France at the age of 14 that included lessons in chocolate, pastry, ice cream and candy-making. "When I arrived in Mr. Remillet's pastry shop, he told me, 'I am going to teach you 看著永利拉斯維加斯的餅房行政總廚Patrice Caillot監督餅房運作,就 如同在欣賞一位指揮大師指導管弦樂團仔細琢磨演奏的細節一樣。這位身材 精幹的大廚流暢自如地指揮著75人的團隊—他敏捷地穿梭於餅房的丹麥酥 製作間和塗裹巧克力漿的位置,確保每個牛角包、法式牛油包甚至每片巧克力 的品質都要極為出色,達到專業鑑賞家級別的水準。 Caillot大廚快步走向塗裹巧克力漿的位置,檢查他的團隊為Star Stainless Screw公司晚宴特別定製的甜品。甜品的造型由精心製作的螺絲, 螺母和螺栓組成,使用最優質的比利時巧克力製作,表面噴塗銀色顏料以營造 出不銹鋼的效果。大廚對製作進度感到滿意,於是從甜蜜的巧克力芬芳中抽 身而出,轉入另一個洋溢著酵母香氣的房間,看著團隊有條不紊地用手掌將長 條的新鮮麵團搓成完美的捲形,再放進一排形狀一致的模具裡。 Cail lot用帶著法國口音的英語吩咐一位副總廚拿來一個像西柚般大的 巧克力牛角包,堅持要我品嚐一下他最著名的招牌作品。他轉述客人們的評 價說:「這絕對是客人們來到這裡經常會說的話:噢,牛角包,它們是最美味 的。」大廚說秘密在於從法國布列塔尼地區進口的黃油,並示意我們望向擺 在一角的揉麵檯,檯上堆放著大塊的明黃色牛油,牛角包的麵團就是在這裡 由人手精心地搓成捲狀。 大廚擁有有超過35年的從業經驗,在法國南部以及紐約的眾多著名餐廳 工作過,用多年時間打磨廚藝。他的餅房生涯始於14歲,在法國當了3年的學 徒,學習製作巧克力、糕點、冰淇淋和糖果的技藝。「我去到Remillet先生的 餅店時,他告訴我:今天我會教你一些東西,如果你學會了,明天我就再教你 其它東西。這對我來說就像是……」Caillot停頓下來,噠響了一下手指,以強 調接下來要說的話,「醍醐灌頂的感覺。我先學習如何製作草莓撻的果膠,掌 巧克力大师

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