Wynn Las Vegas Magazine by MODERN LUXURY

Wynn Las Vegas - 2017 - Issue 2 - Fall

Wynn Magazine - Las Vegas

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時裝周天橋發佈到商店貨架發售之間那漫長的六個月裡,很多所謂的快時 尚公司已經有足夠時間推出相似的設計,號稱向設計師的靈感『致敬』,而 不必受到知識產權法規管。 永利澳門和永利皇宮路氹的零售副總監Linda Switzer說,即見即買的趨 勢,非常適合澳門這個時尚購物之都:『澳門作為旅遊目的地,購物是一大 熱門內容。』時尚愛好者們不必遠赴歐洲,在酒店裡就能買到同樣的貨品。 永利酒店在Burberry, Hugo Boss和Ralph Lauren的新季發佈會舉行後的24小 時內,就能立即為客人提供訂購服務。尤其在永利皇宮路氹,幾乎能訂到這 三大品牌的全部最新系列,全球沒有多少地方能做到。Switzer說:『永利澳 門裡擁有多間世界頂級水準的奢侈品牌店鋪,能為最尊貴和高要求的賓客 提供獨特的時尚貨品。』 其他同樣參與到即見即買潮流的品牌包括有Moschino, Alberta Ferretti 和Alexander Wang。 Burberry在去年二月宣布對秀場系列的創作、發佈和銷售作出調整,率 先開創直接面對消費者的銷售模式。9月份,品牌宣布以每年兩場發佈會取 代以往每年四場的頻率,並且首次將男、女裝集中在同一場發佈會裡。 在宣布以上決定的時候,Burberry首席创意官兼首席执行官Christopher Bailey表示,这些变化将使公司能够『更全面地將我們在秀場上營造的體驗 帶給觀眾,讓顧客能真實地即時接觸到最新系列。無論是現場直播、直接訂 購秀場款還是社交網絡互動宣傳,這些都是時尚行業的创新方式,並且會繼 續進化下去。』 Carter認為设计师們提早發佈下個季節作品的做法,會引起顧客的反季 節搶購慾望:『二月份發佈的都是秋季款,尽管我们现在才剛剛進入初夏, 大家的購買需求已經非常強烈。現在人人都在反季節入貨。』 PHOTOGRAPHY BY CAT WALKING/GET T Y IMAGES (FERRET TI); BARBARA KRAFT (STORE), PAUL MORIGI/ WIREIMAGE (L AUREN RUNWAY ) tination, and shopping is an impulse," she says, noting that fashion lovers who do not go to the European shows can simply buy the collections at the resorts. All Wynn resorts will offer portions of Burberry, Hugo Boss, and Ralph Lauren fashion collections within 24 hours of the shows, and Wynn Palace specifically will have all, or nearly all, the collections—one of a handful of places around the world that will carry all three. "Macau, and Wynn is particular, has some of the highest volume of luxury stores in the world. Wynn gets special pieces due to our affluent and discerning travelers," Switzer says. Other brands trying out the trend include Moschino, Alberta Ferretti, and Alexander Wang. Burberry spearheaded the straight-to-consumer model when it announced plans to change the way it creates, presents, and sells its runway collection in February of last year. In September, the brand replaced its four-show calendar with two shows, for the first time combin- ing its womenswear and menswear collections on the runway. At the time of the announcement, Christopher Bailey, Burberry Chief Creative Officer and CEO, said the changes would allow the company to "build a closer connection between the experience that we create with our runway shows and the moment when people can physically explore the collections for themselves. From live streaming to ordering straight from the runway to live social media campaigns, this is the latest step in a creative process that will continue to evolve." Carter says that designers had generated a sense of urgency by rushing the seasons, giving rise to something of a false demand. "February shows are all about fall, even though we are at the start of summer right now. That's creat- ing demand, and now people are buying out of season," she explains. 順時針:Alberta Ferretti2017秋冬米蘭發 佈會;位於永利皇宮路氹 永利名店街的Ralph Lauren店鋪;Ralph Lauren秀場謝幕一刻。 clockwise: Alberta Ferretti, Autumn Winter 2017 in Milan; the Ralph Lauren store on the Wynn Esplanade at Wynn Palace Cotai; a Ralph Lauren finale, New York City. 42

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