Wynn Las Vegas Magazine by MODERN LUXURY

Wynn Las Vegas - 2017 - Issue 2 - Fall

Wynn Magazine - Las Vegas

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33 Steakhouse and Country Club. Whiskey and steak share much in common," says David Walzog, executive chef of SW Steakhouse. "Both are highly influenced by aging; the longer they age the richer and more intricate the flavors become. The texture and flavors of our dry-aged Snake River Farm strip loin pairs particularly well with Rendezvous Rye. This cut has a lush marbling that's the result of its cross of wagyu and angus. The rye has a lush smoothness and beautiful finish that accentuates the flavor of this great steak." But High West is as much about the experience as it is about the whis- key. Walking into their lively saloon in Park City, one finds horseshoes lining the walls, a nod to its historic roots as a miners' livery stable. Today, it's the town's social hub, thanks to a groundswell of enthusiasm from the locals and the constant global stream of Champagne powder hounds and whiskey fans who can be found sipping flights in their ski boots or savoring Chef James Dumas's western alpine cuisine—think bison and beef burgers, pan-fried trout and decadent grilled donuts. Up the road, their historic Nelson Cottage has become the stomping grounds for James Beard-nominated chefs during the Sundance Film Festival. And while the Park City-based gastro-distillery continues to mill, mash and produce oat, rye, and malt whiskey, along with offering tours, High West's two-year-old Blue Sky Distillery in nearby Wanship is a staggeringly impressive mountainside mecca for whiskey sipping and study. "Expanding from Park City to Blue Sky was a stroke of luck, but when the Blue Sky ranch owner came into our lives, we were ready for it," explains Perkins. Carved into the hillside of a 3500-acre former cattle ranch, the mas- sive architectural beauty, with its exposed wood and vaulted ceilings, houses a shiny 1600-gallon Forsyth copper pot still (with plans for four total) and a booming production facility. At its Refectory restaurant, imbibers drink in the views of the Uinta Mountains over a high country western brunch, elevated by the occasional moose, eagle, elk, or wild turkey sighting. It's been quite a ride for Perkins, who sold his company in October 2016 to Constellation Beverages for a cool $160 million. But beyond cashing out, Perkins and High West have become part of the legacy that defines Park City: silver mines, world-class skiing, indie films, and damn good whiskey. Cheers to that. The Countr y Club的酒架上都能找到。「威士忌和牛排的搭配可謂天衣無縫,」 SW Steakhouse的行政總廚David Walzog說,「兩者都非常注重熟成的過程, 時間越長風味越濃郁、層次越多。我們的Snake R iver農場牛前腰脊肉的質感 和味道,與Rendezvous黑麥威士忌尤其相配,這個部位的牛肉,油脂分佈像大 理石花紋一樣豐富均勻,兼具和牛和安格斯牛肉的風味。而黑麥威士忌濃郁順 滑的口感和美妙的餘韻,能把牛肉的美味完美無遺地充分展現出來。」在High West這裡,除了能品嚐到各種上佳威士忌,還能收穫更多的美好體驗。走進這 家位於Park City的熱鬧酒館,迎面就能看見牆上掛著馬蹄鐵和採礦用具作裝 飾,向西部大開發的往昔遙遙致意。如今這裡是城中的社交熱點,多得當地 人持續高漲的熱情支持,還有大批來自世界各地的香檳迷和威士忌迷前來朝 聖。大家可以穿著滑雪靴品嚐威士忌或是 James Dumas大廚的西方高地菜式, 像是北美野牛肉漢堡、煎鱒魚配烤甜甜圈等等。順著滑雪場向高處走,便能看 到那家歷史悠久的Nelson 小屋,每年的聖丹斯獨立電影節期間, James Beard 美食大獎的提名大廚們都會在這個小屋裡相聚,把酒言歡。 Park City的釀酒廠繼續熱火朝天不停生產燕麥、黑麥和麥芽威士忌, High West兩年前又在附近的Wanship山區建立了一家Blue Sky釀酒廠,地處 風景優美的山腰位置,是品鑑和研究威士忌的好去處。 Perkins介紹說:「能夠從Park City擴張到Blue Sky是非常幸運的機遇,不 過當Blue Sky的農場主出現在我們的生活中時,我們已經準備好了。」Blue Sky 釀酒廠前身是一個3500英畝的牧場,這個牧場規模巨大的建築以原木和拱形 天花裝飾,安放了一個閃亮亮的1600加侖蒸餾鍋(按計劃共會放4個)和一系 列的釀酒設施。在這裡的Refector y餐廳,威士忌品鑑者們可以一邊享受美西 高地風格的早午餐,一邊遠眺Uinta山脈的美景,不時闖入視線裡的駝鹿、鷹、 麋鹿或是野生火雞更是讓人心情愉悅。 Perkins在2016年10月以1.6億美元的天價把公司賣給Constellation Beverages,可謂完成了一次人生壯舉。除了為Park City帶來滾滾財源,Perkins 和High West更成為了這個城市精神的一部分:銀礦、世界級的滑雪道、獨立 電影節,還有超級好的威士忌,讓我們為這些美好事物乾一杯吧。 攝影 PHOTOGRAPHY BY JEFF GREEN 在SW Steakhouse能品 嚐到Snake River農場出 產的金牌級牛排。 Snake River Farms gold-grade steak at SW Steakhouse.

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