ML - Michigan Avenue

Michigan Avenue - 2017 - Issue 4 - Fall - LauraLinney

Michigan Avenue - Niche Media - Michigan Avenue magazine is a luxury lifestyle magazine centered around Chicago’s finest people, events, fashion, health & beauty, fine dining & more!

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PHOTOGRAPHY BY SEAN SU FOR CLOUDSPOTTER AND DANIEL BOCZARSKI WORK IN PROGRESS Chicago Artists Coalition celebrated the city's creative class with a festive fête in the West Loop. Following a VIP reception at CAC—which boasted, among other pieces, an audience-wowing installation by visual artist Andrew Barco— guests headed to the evening's main event at Venue One for an evening of small plates, spirits, and plenty of dancing to the tunes of DJ Michael Slaboch and DJ Elliot Bergman. Suzette Bross and Shawna Owen Caroline Older, Chanel Coney, and Samantha Hill Ted and Lori Souder with Lisa Bailey Alderman Walter Burnett Jr. and Jay Owen Jose Cerda III, Macol Cerda, and Tony Karman with Patty and Ron Weiss Nicole Mauser, Sheridan Tucker, Brittney Leeanne Williams, and Pooja Pittie C U T S # H O T H A I R START AT $ 35 © 2017 Mario Tricoci. All Rights Reserved. 14 Chicagoland Locations 847.202.1900

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