Diversity Rules Magazine

July 2017

Diversity Rules Magazine - _lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning_

Issue link: http://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/843789

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6 Diversity Rules Magazine July 2017 Dwight started his career in the early 90s work- ing at Roger Corman Studios in Venice Beach where he learned to hone the craft of filmmaking. His directorial debut was in 2010 with the short film, I Love Nancy, an exploration into one man's obsessive relationship with the plastic objects that consumed him. The film was accredited for being a hard- hitting existential look into the synthetic side of life that does us harm. He and his wife, Laetitia, enjoy discerning the dark contradictions in humanity. This inspired them to create the characters of The Victorians which portray people living on the fringe of a society. e Victorians follows a group of misanthropic misfits feeding off each other in the city of Amsterdam. While Abba is fighting his homosexuality and love for the sa- dist Danny, his brother Rey is falling for Danny's sister, Faith. e devious junkie, Alfi, is Abba's faithful liege, but the worm might turn if Abba does not fulfil his promise of taking Alfi away to Spain to get clean. e prostitute Faith and her sadistic tour guide brother, Danny, enjoy luring unsuspecting tourists into their web of sexual exploitation. As Virgil, the sexual devi- ant hotel owner, delicately positions himself, to help pick up the pieces, he comforts their latest victim Joey, the cocky American kid, who travels to Amsterdam only to find tragedy when he falls into their clutches. Jordan Maycock as Abba, in the indie film, "e Victorians" Addiction, sexuality and a desire for a 'better life'; the beautiful lie unfolds, driving our players to the fringe as we watch the darkness unravel in each of them. e sexual ambiguity, playing out much more like an exis- tential 'whodunnit', keeps us guessing as to their true loyalties and secret sexual desires. Stephen Underwood as Danny, the sadistic tour guide, in "e Victorians" Danny was a mentor to the two thieving brothers, but what spell has he cast over Abba? We see Abba fighting his desire for Danny, and we get the feeling that, aside from Danny being a psychopath rapist, maybe the romance might have worked... Abba loathes himself because he loves it so much. As they stalk each other, taunt each other, the courtship of the beguiled lover, playing for each other's worst, and little by little, tearing each other apart. Abba convinces himself and Alfi that one big score will enable them to escape to Spain- the lie he uses to keep Alfi under his thumb. eir co-dependent relation- ship, a dark comedic farce, providing cathartic levity to the inner woven drama. Victorians - Con't on page 9 To Kill The Thing You Love A glimpse into the dark side of humanity of the upcoming film, "The Victorians" By Dwight A. Gabbert / www.thevictoriansfilm.com

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