Entertainment NOW

March 25, 2017

Kokomo Tribune Entertainment NOW

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Jenna Elf- man, best known for playing the titular Dharma in "Dharma & Greg," and Rachel Dratch, fa- mous for her years-long turn on "Saturday Night Live," star in the alphabet network's "Imagi- nary Mary," a new comedy that premieres Wednesday, March 29. Elfman is easily recognizable as she steps into the role of Al- ice, a career-driven, fiercely in- dependent woman whose prior- ities suddenly change when she falls head over heels in love with Ben (Stephen Schneider, "Broad City"), a divorcé with three kids: Andy (Nicholas Coombe, "Pants on Fire," 2014), Dora (Matreya Scarrwener, "Strange Empire") and Bunny (Erica Tremblay, "Before I Fall," 2017). Dratch, on the other hand, is only distinguishable by her voice, which she lends to the titular Mary, a fuzzy little crea- ture who is white with blue spots and pink eyebrows. Mary is a figment of Alice's imagination, concocted when the latter was a child to help deal with tough situations. Now, Alice stares down another tough challenge — sudden motherhood — and her little friend is back to try to help make things better. The problem is, though, Mary seems to have a penchant for stirring up trouble. The 45-year-old Elfman, who has two kids herself, owns her role in "Imaginary Mary," even though the gig came with its own set of challenges. Not only is Mary imaginary in the show, but she's also CGI, which means Elfman is acting with literally nothing every time the two characters interact. It's not something she's unfamiliar with — she starred opposite Brendan Fraser ("The Mummy," 1999) in the live-action/CGI blended film "Looney Tunes: Back in Action" in 2003 — but "Imaginary Mary" takes a completely differ- ent approach to filming these important scenes. "When we were filming 'Loo- ney Tunes,' we had men in green suits, greenscreens, green little balls on sticks. There was a lot of, in the real world, green- screen elements when we were filming," she told reporters at the Television Critics Association winter press tour. "This, because it's CGI, is a whole different sort of approach to animation. We Feature this week

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