
July 2016

TheBurg News - Greater Harrisburg's Community Magazine

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60 | theburg | 07.16 THe sUTliFF CHevroleT sHUTTle van Will rUn in a looP PasT 3rd in THe BUrG venUes, 5–9 PM. JUMP onBoard For a Free ride! sToPs are: Gallery@seCond | 3rd sT sTUdio | Food TrUCK FeasT MidToWn sCHolar | 3rd and WalnUT | 2nd and WalnUT HoP THe sUTliFF sHUTTle! IN THE BURG FRIDAY, julY 15: ART, MuSIC & MORE. THE THIRD FRIDAY OF EACH MONTH IN HARRISBuRG. ParTiCiPaTing venues F o r M o r e i n F o r M aT i o n , v i s i T T H i r d i n T H e B U r G .o r G HARRISBURG DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Clean. Safe. Beautiful. HARRISBURG DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Clean. Safe. Beautiful. The abbey bar @ appalachian brewing Co. 50 n. Cameron st., 8 pm-12 am amma Jo showroom 320 Market st., ste. 180 (in strawberry square) 4-6 pm arooga's Downtown 201 n. 2 nd st., 5 pm-12 am art association of harrisburg 21 n. front st., 9:30 am-9 pm Café 1500 1500 n. 6 th st., 5-10 pm Carley's ristorante & Piano bar 204 locust st., 5-9 pm Char's Tracy Mansion – library 1829 n. front st., 5-9 pm City house b&b 915 n. front st., 6-9 pm Crave and Co. 614 n. 2 nd st., 5-9 pm The District bar and lounge 1014 n. 3 rd st., 6-9 pm Dalicia bakery & Coffee shop 1419 n. 3 rd st., 7 am-7 pm elementary Coffee Co. 1233 n. 3 rd st. (broad street Market) 6-9 pm gallery@second 608 n. 2 nd st., 6-9 pm gamut Theatre group 15 n. 4 th st., 6:30 pm-12 am harrisburg Midtown arts Center 1110 n. 3 rd st., 11 am-2 am hbg food Truck feast 1601 n. 3 rd st., 5-9 pm historic harrisburg association 1230 n. 3 rd st., 6-9 pm JM's Thrift & vintage 1124 n. 3 rd st., 7-9 pm level 2 215 n. 2 nd st., 8 pm-2 am lgbT Center gallery 1306 n. 3 rd st., 6-9 pm little amps 133 state st., 5-9 pm Mangia Qui & suba 272 north st., 5-11 pm The Makespace 1916 n. 3 rd st., 7-10 pm Midstate Distillery 1817 n. Cameron st., 3 pm-11 pm Midtown Cinema 250 reily st., 9:30 pm Midtown scholar bookstore 1302 n. 3 rd st., 12 pm-10 pm The Millworks 340 verbeke st., 4-10 pm note. bistro & wine bar 1530 n. 2 nd st., 4 pm-12 am The orange room @ second City Church 251 verbeke st., 6-9 pm Pennsylvania governor's residence 2035 n. front st., 5-8 pm stock's on 2nd 211 n. 2 nd st., 5-7 pm susquehanna art Museum 1401 n. 3 rd st., 6-9 pm vivi on verbeke 258 verbeke st., 12-8 pm whitaker Center 222 Market st., 9:30 am-5 pm yellow bird Café 1320 n. 3 rd st., 6-9 pm zeroday brewing Co. 250 reily st., 4-11 pm

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