ML - Vegas Magazine

Vegas - 2016 - Issue 3 - Summer - Sush Machida

Vegas Magazine - Niche Media - There is a place beyond the crowds, beyond the ropes, where dreams are realized and success is celebrated. You are invited.

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ICE CREAM SOCIAL THE ONLY WAY YOU'LL BE SHARING THIS SUMMER'S WILDEST FROZEN CONCOCTIONS IS ON INSTAGRAM. BY ANDREA BENNETT ICE CREAM SOCIAL THE ONLY WAY YOU'LL BE SHARING THIS SUMMER'S WILDEST FROZEN CONCOCTIONS IS ON INSTAGRAM. BY ANDREA BENNETT 48 VEGASMAGAZINE.COM PHOTOGRAPHY COURTESY OF DONUT BAR A giant cone baked in butter, rolled in cinnamon sugar, stuffed with frozen custard and drizzled with Ghirardelli chocolate sauce: It's been the breakfast of at least 60 champions a day since Donut Bar first introduced it in San Diego. Summer arrives, and our ab-obsessed city focuses on posing in bikinis with masses of ice cream we never intend to eat. This season, drop the pretense that will only land you on Instagram's #youdidnot eatthat, and dive into the city's new frozen treats. At Cream (, in Downtown Summerlin, the three-scoop ice cream taco monstrosity is stuffed into a waffle cone taco shell and should be tackled, quickly, with at least two spoons before it picturesquely falls apart on you (Instagram moment!). Downtown's new San Diego import, Donut Bar ( , has been focusing on priorities, like an entire Pop-Tart- filled donut. But in May, c hef Santiago Campa introduced his adapted "tredelnikis," a donut cone from Prague, to Vegas: His natural yeast dough is twice fermented and proofed, cut into 18-inch strips that are wrapped around a custom stainless steel horn ("A standard steel cone wasn't big enough," he explains), slathered with butter, baked and rolled with cinnamon sugar, then filled with frozen custard. Fancy a little nostalgia? You'll get the crispy fried crunch of the fried ice cream of your youth in the cinnamon churro ice cream sandwich at Libre Mexican Cantina (, filled with rich vanilla gelato and joined by a side of chocolate sauce for dipping. Eat up: The bikini pics can wait. . SCENE TASTE

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