ML - Vegas Magazine

Vegas - 2016 - Issue 3 - Summer - Sush Machida

Vegas Magazine - Niche Media - There is a place beyond the crowds, beyond the ropes, where dreams are realized and success is celebrated. You are invited.

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INVITED 36 VEGASMAGAZINE.COM INVITED PHOTOGRAPHY COURTESY OF RAY ALAMO SUN WEST CUSTOM HOMES Vegas magazine, Dan Coletti, and Sun West Custom Homes toasted the grand opening of Waters Edge, a brand-new, $12-million custom hillside home located inside the luxurious MacDonald Highlands. Gourmet hors d'oeuvres and tequila cocktails courtesy of Maestro Dobel complemented the breathtaking setup, which includes an infinity-edge pool with sprawling views of the Vegas valley. Katarina Simic, Harrison Gale, and Ariel Gale Tory Cooper and Dr. Mark Escoto Robert Bennett and Jennie Marsh Dan Coletti, Jeff Gale, and Mark Fierro Chris Coletti and Jeff Williams Juan Rubio, Sabrina Chapman, and Daniel Gutierrez Towbin Motorcars Signature cocktails by Maestro Dobel Chris Brown and Darin Marques Lindy Meranto and Ken Tangen

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