ML - Boston Common


Boston Common - Niche Media - A side of Boston that's anything but common.

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Page 23 of 147

Summer 2012 features 96 What Not to Expect M By Patrick Pacheco Photography by Robert Ascroft 100 Kennedys 4.0 W By Eve Zibart 104 Real Boston Beauties S By Janice O'Leary Photography by Melissa Mahoney 112 Bay State Mansions for $15M+ G et a glimpse into a handful of the most extraordinary local luxury homes. By Brooke Lea Foster even stunning Bostonians of all ages share their secrets to achieving success, feeling youthful, and looking great. 96 Anna Kendrick Our cover girl will star in this summer's What to Expect When You're Expecting. ill the next generation of the political dynasty continue to enchant the nation as its famous forebears have? aine native Anna Kendrick changes up her typical on-screen persona in a slew of 2012 blockbusters. 22 photography by robert ascroft. tonaL siLK anD Leather Dress, DIOR ($4,700). COPLEY PLACE, 617-927-7577; DIOR.COM. copernicUs earrings ($2,300) anD copernicUs ring ($3,800), H.STERN. SAKS FIFTH AVENUE, THE SHOPS AT PRUDENTIAL CENTER, 617-262-8500; SAKS.COM. open-toe pUmps, BRIAN ATWOOD ($1,031). SAKS FIFTH AVENUE, see aboVe

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